While it is not entirely easy to use, it works offline with navigation.
1. Grab Nokia HERE beta from
here, tested with version HERE_beta_220.apk
2. (optional) Install
Minuum keyboard for wear to be able to type
3. Install HERE maps
on smartphone
4. Download maps and voice
on smartphone
5. connect smartphone to computer and pull files using adb:
adb pull /sdcard/Android/data/com.here.app.maps
6. Disconnect smartphone from computer
7. Connect Smartwatch 3 to computer
8. Install HERE maps on the wear by:
adb install HERE_beta_220.apk
and run HERE maps once and accept term, etc., swipe from left to dismiss. Not sure if this required, but that's how I've done it.
9. Push maps and other data by issuing from the directory we used to pull maps
adb push . /sdcard/Android/data/com.here.app.maps
10. Run Nokia Maps on wear!
However, to be able to start navigation we need to change density, otherwise calculated routes do not fit the screen.
To do so use:
adb shell wm density 160
To reset to default:
adb shell wm density reset
With density 160 we can use navigation: