Selected model: SM-G355HN
Selected port: COM146 SAMSUNG Mobile USB Serial Port
Selected port speed: 115200
Searching ADB device...
Please, allow USB debugging on phone... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-G355HN
Android version: 4.4.2
Product code: SM-G355HZKNVIM
Phone version: G355HNXXU0ANG1
PDA version: G355HNXXU0ANG1
CSC version: G355HNOXX0ANG1
IMEI: 353690061461019
Phone S/N: R21F84F3VPZ
Checking Super user right... true
Detecting NV partitions... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Please wait, calculating codes... OK (time - 00:00:00)
Done with Samsung Tool v.18.4
Selected model: SM-G355HN
Selected port: COM146 SAMSUNG Mobile USB Serial Port
Selected port speed: 115200
Searching ADB device...
Please, allow USB debugging on phone... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-G355HN
Android version: 4.4.2
Product code: SM-G355HZKNVIM
Phone version: G355HNXXU0ANG1
PDA version: G355HNXXU0ANG1
CSC version: G355HNOXX0ANG1
IMEI: 353690061461019
Phone S/N: R21F84F3VPZ
Checking Super user right... true
Detecting NV partitions... OK
Unlocking... OK
Rebooting phone... OK
Unlock done
Done with Samsung Tool v.18.4
but still locked and asking sim network pin |