Frp vodafone vdf 500 done with mark wiko harry test
platform: Wiko
selected model: Harry test
please, power phone off and connect usb cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on com48
detecting chip version...
Hw chip: Mt6735: 0335.0000
hw version: 8a00.cb00.0000.0000
Brom version: Ff
bootloader version: 01
searching download agent...
Selected da: Mtk_allinone_da_v3.3001.2017-09-06.13:15_388644, n.10
sending download agent...
Da sent successfully
initializing da...
Synchronizing with da...
Nand flash: Not installed
emmc flash: .15010046.4e58324d.4206afab.f283a0c7
emmc flash: Samsung: Fnx2mb
da ver: 4.2.9b
initializing memory flash..
Initialization successfully completed
sending loaders...
Loader send successfuly.
Reading flash info...
Emmc rpmb size: 0 mb
emmc boot1 size: 4 mb
emmc boot2 size: 4 mb
emmc gp1 size: 0 mb
emmc gp2 size: 0 mb
emmc gp3 size: 0 mb
emmc gp4 size: 0 mb
emmc user area size: 7456 mb
internal ram size: 128 kb
external ram size: 1024 mb
reading partition...
Reading info...
Brand: Vodafone
model: Vfd 500
device: Vfd500
platform: Mt6735m
android version: 6.0
display id: Mra58k release-keys
searching for signatures...
Resetting frp lock..
Frp lock is successfully reseted!
Backup saved as wiko_harry test_02-05-2018_18-47-50.dump file
performed by software version.