REDMI 5A Reset FRP successfully done REDMI 5A Reset FRP successfully done:
Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Platform: XIAOMI
Selected model: REDMI 5A
Put the phone into EDL mode:
1. Attach testpoint as shown in Help manual;
2. Connect USB cable;
3. Release testpoint after 3-5 seconds.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM143
Mode: Qualcomm 9008
Sending loaders...
Loader send successfuly.
Checking request..
Reading partition...
Reading info...
Brand: Xiaomi
Model: Redmi 5A
Device: riva
Platform: msm8937
Android version: 7.1.2
Display ID: N2G47H
Searching for signatures...
Resetting FRP lock..
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Rebooting phone
Backup saved as XIAOMI_REDMI 5A_17-05-2018_09-32-14.dump file
Performed by Software version.
Last edited by Octopus box; 05-17-2018 at 05:21.