RIFF Box Firmware 1.50
- Fixed RIFFBOX2 Firmware bug: when reading any data from eMMC Chip, the Data CRC16 was not checked, so even data received with errors was considered to be valid.
Now RIFFBOX2 Firmware detects data CRC16 errors, and guarantees data read from eMMC chip is valid.
RIFFBOX1 Firmware is not affected by this bug, but firmware update is required to update to 1.50 version string.
- Fixed timing bug which prevented to change BOOT and RPMB partitions sizes
RIFF Box JTAG Manager 1.79
- Added context menu for the PKG editor - right-click on data write actions allows to perform alignment of the selected ation's data. Normally alignment is performed when adding new write memory action.
This feature allows to align actions in selectable manner, after all write actions were added to the list. This feature is handy when adding full list of write actions via eMMC Plugin,
and when some partitions are required to remain full size, and others are allowed to be cut/aligned
- "eMMC/SD Access" Page -> "Data Length" Field, ComboBox with pre-set lengths, 'File Size': when selected, Data Length field is filled with value equal to selected File's size.
Now File size is automatically aligned to 0x200. JTAG Manager automatically handles non-aligned to 0x0200 files - the remaining data is filled with 00s.
- Added "Load EXT_CSD Register" feature to the eMMC/SD Advanced dialog. It is possible now to load 0x200-byte EXT_CSD register into currently connected eMMC context;
Format supported: plain binary format, 0x200 bytes size of file; most often these are files with extentions '*.bin' and '*.extcsd';
- Added "Load CID & CSD Registers" feature to the eMMC/SD Advanced dialog. It is possible now to load CID and CSD registers into currently connected eMMC context;
Format supported: log text files made with other boxes.