Samsung SM-J510FN Reset FRP successfully done SAMSUNG J510FN FRP REMOVED SUCESS:
Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Platform: SAMSUNG
Selected model: SM-J510FN
Searching for a phone (waiting for ADB device)...
Please, press "OK" button on the phone to allow USB debugging..
Reading info...
Detected phone model: SM-J510FN
Firmware compiled date: Mon Jan 8 18:31:28 KST 2018
PDA version: J510FNXXS2BRA2
CSC version: J510FNOPT2BQK6
SW version: J510FNXXU2BQJ3
Phone SN: RV8J402TL8E
Android version: 7.1.1 (NMF26X)
Sales code: OPT
Country: portugal
HW platform: msm8916
HW Chip: MSM8916
HW Modem: MSM8916
Security patch level: 2018-01-01
Codename: j5xnltexx
Resetting FRP lock..
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Goto "Menu->Settings->Backup and reset" and make "Factory data reset"
Performed by Software version.
Last edited by Octopus box; 10-11-2018 at 04:51.