RIFF JTAG Manager v1.82
Whats new: - Fixed bug when existent PKG's pinout picture was not displayed due to "Interface Pinout" button was hidden
- Added new pkg licensing scheme, which allows now to use any PKG file createad by any user for any other user.
- Root PKG License is required for edit permission. To share own PKG file with other users the Root PKG License is not required now.
- Added altermative method of detecting the storage size for Qualcomm Firehose Loaders which do not support GetStorageInfo command
- Added Qualcomm DMSS protocol support
- Added support for USB connection method to Package Editor wizard. (Add action - Establish USB Connection)
Since this version is introduced, any user can create and share repair packages (*.riffpkg).
We will prepare comprehensive instructions with videos on how to use package editor and how to share created files in short time.