Could you write me your user name please? Just to check what is a reason why your account was blocked. I think it will be an important thing in your case.
On the other hand I think you have some other problem in your life and do you fell better when"fight" there.
We are really happy because 99% of our users are happy. Naturally we are unable to make software what is a greatest for the 100% of our users, but we understand it. I think who use our software know we never add fake updates, then you mentioned. Our developers are not robots, that is why sometimes we have issue, but we will fix it. In this case our users reported the issue, we found the reason and fixed it. That is all.
So do not spam our section with bull****s. We will delete each comment where the writer use vulgar words. Everybody can have
opinion, but the most of our users have knowledge to write it in a correct style and understand the reply.
I'm waiting for your user name to check what happened with your account
Have a great weekend!
Best regards
Originally Posted by fedja85 You do not like bad reviews. that's all.
I wrote several times in support. so they say so. and in the end no one answered
* here ....
* the previous post is rubbed))) |