Job ID: 0000000000D24631
2021-04-01 16:30:00 GMT -------------------------------------------------
Starting Connect
Selected phone model: ?POT-LX1?
Searching HUAWEI USB COM 1.0 port...
Detected ?HUAWEI USB COM 1.0? port
Writing bootloader KIRIN710_V1...
Initializing remote service connection...
Writing ?XLOADER? partition...
Writing ?UCE? partition...
Writing ?FASTBOOT? partition...
Bootloader Update successfully
Rebooting to fastboot mode...
Searching Fastboot devices...
Error: Fastboot devices not found
Connect failed.
Performed by ?1.2.4? Software version.
Job ID: 0000000000D246D0
2021-04-01 16:32:03 GMT -------------------------------------------------
Starting Connect
Selected phone model: ?POT-LX1?
Searching HUAWEI USB COM 1.0 port...
Detected ?HUAWEI USB COM 1.0? port
Writing bootloader KIRIN710_V1...
Initializing remote service connection...
Writing ?XLOADER? partition...
Writing ?UCE? partition...
Writing ?FASTBOOT? partition...
Bootloader Update successfully
Rebooting to fastboot mode...
Searching Fastboot devices...
Found a fastboot device: 6BY7N19418011668
Detected ?Android Sooner Single ADB Interface? port
Device Model: ?POT-LX1?
System: ?POT-LX1
FB Lock State: ?LOCKED?
User Lock State: ?LOCKED?
Connect done.
Performed by ?1.2.4? Software version.
2021-04-01 16:33:16 GMT -------------------------------------------------
Starting Direct Unlock
Selected phone model: ?POT-LX1?
Username: octoplus888
Connecting to the credit server...
Checking balance...
Your balance: 30 credits
Sending device information...
Sending firmware information...
To perform this operation you need to have: 0 credits.
Removing firmware protection...
Connecting to server...
Waiting for a response from the server...
FB Lock State: ?UNLOCKED?
User Lock State: ?LOCKED?
Device Model: ?POT-LX1?
System: ?POT-LX1
MEID: ?00000000000000?
IMEI A: ?868188043024854?
IMEI B: ?000000000000000?
S/N: ?6BY7N19418011668?
Saving backup of MODEM_SECURE...
Reading secure data...
Unlocking phone...
Rebooting device...
Direct Unlock done.
Performed by ?1.2.4? Software version.