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Old 12-16-2023, 21:35   #1 (permalink)
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Samsung S5260 dead

Hello, I open this theard because of a problem caused by an "experiment" made by me some time ago on a Samsung S5260. So I started to test some OEM Samsung s5260 roms on my collection s5260 one (one of mine single Bada/SHP phone in my collection except the thing that I also have an rare s5230 la fleur) which I found on some old hard drive, and in that period I started to study the hardware of this phones like this one by collecting some service manuals and some tools to teardown them (I have electrically skills but I'm more an programmer not an electrical engineer but I know circuits and some basic knowledge about electrics). So after studying samsung wave 525 hardware from their service manual I seen that these 2 phones are using the same hardware( the Broadcom BCM2133 ARM9 312MHz CPU, the same sky7765 2g chip and the same BCM wifi chip but they are use different NANDs, the wave has 512MB internal storage including the os and 256MB of RAM, and the s5260 has 256MB of internal storage including the os and 128MB of RAM) and an ideea hit me (why to not test if wave 525 Bada works?) And from there started. I was started to flash the wave 525 Bada on s5260 with multiloader and after the BOOTFILES where flashed the phone doesn't wanted to start (I know that was the dumbest ideea I ever had). From here the phone doesn't wanted to get in the flash mode (vol++home+accept call button) the battery is 0% but I get it to charge with another phone . Some methods used by me was an 100ohm resistor attached to the GND and ID pin of an microusb (I used an lower value because I think why to use bigger value on that phone, maybe I should use an 300k ohm?) to get it into download mode and didn't worked. I need this phone to work bc I started an project to port Linux on this very very underpowered hardware and I'm using JetQI moded bootloader for BCM by me but I need this phone to work.

1.I didn't have any JIG/JTAG hardware at home and I try to get one as trial for an week from a random repair shop in my city bc I'm friend with that shop manager and single worker.
If didn't get that, it exists some schematic of an home made jig that powers this in download like the 300k ohm resistor method (also I found some resistor values that Samsung anyway jig uses)?

2. If exist any schematic of an homemade jig that supports this exists send me there please

3. It exists some non jig method that I can try with multiloader or another flasher?

4. That 300k ohm resistor method works on Bada phones?
Please help me!!!!
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