samsung A30s frp done Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Card S/N: 2000*****
Work ID: 0000000001900221
Searching for device. Please wait...
Waiting for device...
Found device on COM12
Reading info...
Detected device model: SM-A307FN
HW Version: ITV
PDA version: A307FNXXS2CUH4
CSC version: A307FNOEM2CUF2
CP version: A307FNXXU2CUF2
Device SN: RF8N91Z49KF
Device IMEI: 351773-11-******-*
Android version: 11
Enabling "USB Debugging" mode...
Please, press "OK" button on the phone to allow USB debugging..
Searching for a phone (waiting for ADB / Fastboot device)...
Phone found.
Resetting FRP lock..
Perform factory reset to complete operation!
Performed by Software version. |