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Old 09-10-2024, 04:30   #48 (permalink)
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    <string name="v1_mode_access_sod_dsc">Allow to access SOD(Storage On-board Debugging) Mode for analyzing Strorage(UFS,eMMc)</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_cts_ara_in_ese_dsc">Allow updating CTS Applet into eSe</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_fastbootd_dsc">Allow to trigger fastbootd in recovery mode.</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_get_ga_screenshot_dsc">Allows to collect device screen information (screen capture)</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_gsi_dsc">Allow downloading and booting GSI(Google System Image) on commercial mobile</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_rdx_dump_dsc">FBE(File Based Encryption) exception for /data/rdx_dump folder</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_rf_act_dsc">Allow to launch RF ACT daemon</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_allow_silent_log_dsc">Allow to get silent log</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_avoid_hdm_oem_unlock_policy_dsc">Bypass HDM policy (camera block) due to OEM Unlock</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_cust_kernel_dsc">Allow customized kernel binary to be flashed and booted</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_data_recover_dsc" />
    <string name="v1_mode_deactive_removte_lock_dsc">Deactivate Remote Lock (RMM)</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_debug_cp_dsc">Allow to show CP debug messages</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_debug_vbmeta">Allow flashing debug VBMETA and booting the device where partially built binary images were flashed</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_enable_facm_dsc">Allow to enable FACM(Factory Air Command Manager)</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_eng_kernel_dsc">Allow ENG binaries to be flashed and booted</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_init_em_dsc">This is for only EM 2.X</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_integrated_test_env_dsc">If this mode will be shown, something wrong!, please ask developer</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_keep_5g_state_dsc">Allow to keep 5G state</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_knox_test_dsc">Allow Knox test mode</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_mnfr_allow_atcmd_dsc">Allow protected AT command</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_mnfr_allow_fac_bin_dsc">Allow to flash factory binary into device.</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_mnfr_allow_ob_boot_dsc">Allow OB(OutBattery) boot in Only USB models</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_rca_frame_buf_run_dsc">Allow RCAFrameBuffer application to work</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_rescue_retail_dsc">Retail shop allows recovery of mobile that does not boot</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_reset_activated_id_dsc">Reset Activated id</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_rollback_suw_dsc">Allow to roll-back SetupWizard</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_rtl_run_dsc">Allow to run RTL(Remote Test Lab) application.</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_bps_app_dsc">Allow to run BSP(Bad device Predict System) app that predicts the possibility of bad device</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_fmm_hidden_dsc">Exposure of Hidden Menu to view the scanned device list of BLE (Bluetooth Lowe Energy) in FMM Client</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_gps_test_app_dsc">Automation tool (android application) execution control that checks GPS operation and impacts using GPS API / COMMAND</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_labo_test_app_dsc">Mass Automation Test APK for System S/W Stability Verification</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_quest_tool_dsc">Allow to run QUEST tool in bootloader.</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_remote_viewer_app_dsc">App that provides the screen and sound information of the device connected to the Smart Device Farm (SDF) server</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_rfalt_app_dsc">Allow the RF ALT app to run used for RF part testing</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_sl4a_app_dsc">Allows to run the SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android) app used for automation system using script language</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_ubis_agent_app_dsc">In order to implement the terminal pre-setup tool (FAST, UBIS Framework) for shipment verification, a separate service agent APK provides the functions that the phone must support</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_wass_app_dsc">Allow WASS application to work</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_run_wolfserver_app_dsc">Allows to run the WolfServer app used for SQE test.</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_scan2dram_dsc">Do not remove SCAN2DRAM debug data even after SECURE JTAG ENABLE (Only for LSI)</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_skip_iss_dsc">Allow to skip ISS.</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_tcp_dump_dsc">Allow to enable TCP dump</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_test_dsc">This is test mode (please do not install)</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_unknown_dsc">Unknown mode</string>
    <string name="v1_mode_usb_debug_dsc">"ㆍMODE_USB_DEBUG

In "theory" because depend on Firmware etc... more then 3 Modes exist...

Only as tiny info.

Best Regards
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