After some loooonger problem to find my old UART/Prolific crap...
I was able to bypass this tiny problem on my SM-G920F aka S6 by "patch" ddexe...
So now I can see... with simple USB cable...
[01:41:48] AT+DEVROOTK=1,0,0
[01:41:50] AT+DEVROOTK=1,0,0 +DEVROOTK:1,PHN-P:20160428:01:03:00670662:ROOT OK
[01:42:41] AT+DEVROOTK=0,0,0
[01:42:41] AT+DEVROOTK=0,0,0 +DEVROOTK:0,OK OK
So I can easier proceed with older device(s)... for tiny EM research...
Only as info...
ccm_gen_cert looks also interesting for study...
Best Regards