well spoken but a bit harsh my friend! ease out on the foul language
correct me if i'm wrong but the sc team has had the best support ever till now! compared to how long thier product was launched i'll be regarded a new user since i just got mine in november 2005 still i'll say i followed thier support even without owning thier box for a long time (because sagmaster team attitude taught me to check on product support before buying, with thier sick support and no regard for custtomer attitude).
They're a lotof cool products out there don't get me wrong but, if you'd be honest with urself smart-clip rocks! and rocks the best when it comes to support. I mean, thier last update for instance had only a days difference with it's predecessor.They grew from standalone to service software with no extra cost. Always the first to support new bootloaders on exsisting models and newest models timely. sometimes u feel theres a motorola staff on the team. And all this for just one time payment? common sir, you'd be very inconsiderate to give them any kind of pressure! Personally i say let them be .Update may not come today but thier always ontime!!!
@sc_support and entire team
Please keep doing what you do, how you and when u want to do!! WE ALRIGHT WITH YOU, REALLY WE ARE