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Old 12-11-2007, 07:56   #32 (permalink)
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Smile Flash N72 ok

COM11 [VCP0] selected
Device: Autodetect 6205-6227 NOR
Checking data, wait...
advanced flash detection active
Action: write NOR flash
"smart write" active
write: Firmware
skip: Customization
skip: Language Pack
skip: Eeprom
Press and HOLD Power button now !
baud autodetection active
Connecting, wait...
high speed disabled
boot step size: 0002
Release Power button now !
Boot Done
detecting chip #00 in region #00...
flash: 01227E22212200:29EA0000000000
flash: Amd AMD/Fujitsu std [D 0004x010000 003Ex040000 0004x010000] 16Mb
number of flash chip/regions detected: 01/01
Initialize Done
Set baud...
Set baud Done
device parameters autodetection in progress..
detecting chip #00 in region #00...
flash: 01227E22212200:29EA0000000000
flash: Amd AMD/Fujitsu std [D 0004x010000 003Ex040000 0004x010000] 16Mb
number of flash chip/regions detected: 01/01
total flash region size: 01000000
detecting eeprom area in 1 chip(s)...
flash: 01227E22212200:29EA0000000000
checking area[00000000]: 00000000-00FFFFFF...
eeprom found near: 00E00000
detecting eeprom size...
eeprom size: 00200000
eeprom chip: 00
eeprom area: 00000000:00E00000-00FFFFFF
reading [eeprom]...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\ChineseMiracle\backup_eeprom_200 71211-111321.B0E.bin
flash: 01227E22212200:29EA0000000000
Identification Done
Manipulation Done
Finalization Done
detect device identification, method #1...
detection phase #1...
detect device parameters finished
structure: 2nd [enhanced] (or higher) generation
identification data Ok
identification data backup saved: id.604AAFDF.[U4_PCB01_GPRS_MT6226_S01.UP6226V01B12.BIN_3805A5E8].rpl
identification detection finished
Area: Firmware
flash: 01227E22212200:29EA0000000000
Write: Firmware
structure: 2nd [standard] (or higher) generation
structure: 2nd [standard] (or higher) generation
protocol ver: 04
ver. sw1: TCL26_05C_PCB01_GPRS_MT6226_S01.N910_26B_VI115_020 6.BIN
ver. sw2: N910_26B_VI115_0206
ffs offset/size: 00E00000/00200000
Write Done
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\ChineseMiracle\backup_system_log __TCL26_05C_PCB01_GPRS_MT6226_S01.N910_26B_VI115_0 206.BIN_FFFFFFFF_20071211-112130.B0X.bin
Finished, time used: 783 sec
Remove/Install battery now !

Thx infinity team now my phone live again.
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