SmartMoto 3.20
S-Card: 8xxxxxxxx Smart-Clip dongle, v 2.10, assigned Smart-Clip: 6xxxxxxxx Europe, initializing... OK
Smart Adaptor: serial 2xxxxxxxxxx, firmware version 1.05
Clip serial: 6xxxxxxxx, version: 4.08, initializing... OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon, getting test interface... interface not found
Switching to flash mode... OK
Reading phone boot version... 3.03
Sending boot... OK
Processing data, 6 of 6 block...OK
Erasing flash memory OK
Sending firmware OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon
Switching to flash mode... OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon
Switching to flash mode... OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon
Switching to flash mode... OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon
Switching to flash mode... OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon
Switching to flash mode... OK
Reading phone boot version... 3.03
smasrtclip team ..... why no answer? is no solution?
i think u can help me, u can downgrade my smartclip compatible running to smartmoto 3,03.
please help me. this problem for u is small problem, but for me is serius problem.