problem solved by other tp.
SmartMoto 3.20
S-Card: 8xxxxxxxx Smart-Clip dongle, v 2.10, assigned Smart-Clip: 6xxxxxxxx Europe, initializing... OK
Smart Adaptor: serial 23xxxxxxxx, firmware version 1.05
Clip serial: 6xxxxxxxx, version: 4.08, initializing... OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon, getting test interface... interface not found
Switching to flash mode... OK
Reading phone boot version... 3.03
Sending boot... OK
Processing data, 6 of 6 block...OK
Erasing flash memory OK
Sending firmware OK
Searching for phone... found S Flash Argon
Switching to flash mode... OK
Reading phone boot version... 0.00
Reading flash id... Intel - 28F256L18B
Reading flash id/2... Intel - 28F256L18T, OK
Phone group: K3,M702iG,M702iS,V1100,V3xx,V6,V9
Hardware IMEI: 359182001447328
IMEI OTP status: locked
Security area saved to "PDS for S Flash Argon 359182001447328.mbk"
Performing restore from temparary backup file C:\Program Files\GsmServer\SmartMoto\temporary backup\bkp_0B030A0964C5D314.bk_
Restore OK
Unlocking phone... OK |