can some people help me, i have vodafone 227, unlocked to vodafone, try tu unlock with infinity
COM6 [VCP0] selected
Device: ZTE-227, Vodafone-227
Checking data, wait...
Action: unlock
unlock method-1
Press and HOLD Power button now (if boot does not start remove/install batery) !
next part...
boot answer: 01
Release Power button now
Boot Done
Set Baud...
Set Baud Done
flash: 00EC:257E
Connecting Done
Check hardware...
Check hardware Done
Check parameters...
Check parameters Done
backup critical area...
reading [eeprom-sta]...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Pana01\ZTE-227, Vodafone-227_eeprom-sta_20090223-143414.B1E.bin
loading data...
data loaded
reading [eeprom-sec]...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Pana01\ZTE-227, Vodafone-227_eeprom-sec_20090223-143417.B1E.bin
reading [eeprom-complete]...
file saved: C:\Program Files\InfinityBox\Pana01\ZTE-227, Vodafone-227_eeprom-complete_20090223-143425.B1E.bin
reading additional data...
backup critical area Done
Check memory...
current status: 0
Check memory Done
Erasing: lock-area
Writing: lock-area
Write Done
Finished, Remove/Install battery now !
Time used: 44 sec
but with sim card , it SIM LOCKED!!
PLS help!
sorry, pls delete my last post! sorry for dubling |