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Old 04-30-2009, 19:27   #1 (permalink)
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SE A1 Fast Java Unlocker v1.01 by Cruiser Team

I cannot unlock w580i with fast java unlocker, its always freeze up on starting up FS...

  19:09:50  SE A1 Fast Java Unlocker v1.01 by Cruiser Team
  19:09:50  Initializing...
! 19:09:50  1. Please see the documentation first (tab 'Info')
! 19:09:50  2. Choose the phone model
! 19:09:50  3. Please connect the phone while holding its C button…
  19:10:12  Connecting via SEMC USB Flash Device (USB1)…
  19:10:12  Device driver version:
  19:10:12  Device driver date: 9-25-2006
  19:10:12  Connecting to the baseband CPU...
  19:10:12  Entering baseband CPU service mode...
  19:10:13  Detected chipset: DB2020
  19:10:13  Boot mode: EROM
  19:10:13  EROM version: R3A022      prgCXC1250616_EROM_DB2020_HB106GENERIC_FOTA_SIMLOCK_FLAFLA_SIBLEY_SEMCUSB
  19:10:13  Sending loader...
  19:10:13  Sending loader...
  19:10:13  Sending loader...
  19:10:15  Starting up System...
  19:10:15  Starting up GDFS...
  19:10:31  Starting up FS...
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