hello, can you help me with a discription for unlocking j132 with serial cable
i have always thiss sms eror:
User Authen Success.
IMEI Unlock Request Sent.
Credit Need:3, Credit Left:38
Sending IMEI To Server...
Getting Unlock Code...
IMEI Unlock Only Support K330 R300 T280 T303
Log Has Been Save To \2009-05-15\2009-05-15_13;17;02_357107024846836.txt
[ --- S1 Unlocking --- ]
Use Serial Port Only: J132 K330 T250 T280 Z320
Use Serial or DCU-60: F305 R300 R306 S302 T303 W302
Find USB Serial Port(COM2).
Open COM2 Success(9600).
Power Off The Phone,Plug In Serial Cable,Press Power On Button Of Phone Shortly...
Recv Packet Failed.
Connect To Phone Fail.