First thing go in the post
and check if you have the last version of the software and of the firmware: if not just reinstall the suite and/or update the box.
How to move with cyclone working on BB5 mobiles
Connect the TX2 adapter to the box and the fbus cable to the TX2 adapter (The TX2 adapter is the yellow cable in bundle with the box)
Start always, once connected the mobile and started the module DCT4/WD2/BB5 reading the infos
If you can get the infos, OK; If you can't go in the tab BB5/Flash and click on check flashing bus (This will take the mobile in needed mode)
In the tab Common/Info click on read PM (This will give you a back-up of your full PM and will test if the connection of the Fbus cable is OK)
Go now in the tab BB5/security and Click on "create RPL from PHONE" (This will give you a plain RPL of the phone)
Now you have a complete back-up of your mobile
If you are going to do any job as downgrading or erase, better you click on "read certs". this will give you a complete back-up of all the mobile certificates.
Now have a check at your tools:
If you use the TMA cable standard (the one with the USB cable) go in the tab BB5/Flash and Thick where says "SKIP repower on BOOT"
If you are using TMA Evolution or you are working without any TMA "SKIP repower on BOOT" must be not thicked.
Go back in the BB5/security Tab.
SX4 bypass must be not thicked
Select which unlocking system you want use
a) PM308 recalculation or classic system
b) NCK calculation New method
c) NCK calculation Old methos
d) RPL system (needs at least a balance of 101 credits)
Method A : PM308 recalculation
Use this system only for the mobile which can't be unlocked with any other system or if in emergency you have a balance under 101.
If the mobile is an old SL1 Thick where says "skip read SP Info", for the SL2 leave it not thicked
This system is able to rebuild the simlock table (using skip sp read thicked) in the rap3gv3 phones
Click on unlock
Job Done
Method B and C - NCK calculation
Just be sure you have a good local mode and press on unlock. If the procedure hangs after the codes are calculated just input them manually via keyboard.
Job Done
Method D - RPL system
This method need a credits balance of at least 101. Using this system we can unlock the mobiles which can't be unlocked via NCK and rebuild the simlock in the mobiles with SP data error. This system won't repair the superdongle
Just click on unlock and the job is done. The RPL is saved in the storedfiles folder anc can be used again if needed on the same mobile
Note: On the rapido SL2 with HASH 9A28 use only the PM308 rebuild or the RPL system and the hash is a quite doggy
This is all