X300 EEPROM you treat it as LSI ---------X300 Password recovery procedure ----------
The following steps requires CARE read all the information first, before you do ANYTHING, get a feel for the overall procedure, ONLY THEN start to follow the procedure.
Locating the X300 connection points
Switch the X300 OFF.
You should have downloaded the hardware Maintenance Manual already, if you have not done so,
Click on the hyperlink below to download the PDF file containing the X300 Hardware Maintenance Manual, you will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the manual, Adobe Acrobat is FREE and can be obtained here -> Adobe Downloads once you have downloaded the files, close the browser window to return to this page. <b> It is best to Right Click on the link above then Save "Target as" that way you will have a copy of the PDF file on your PC.
</b> You need to remove the RAM cover
Remove the RAM from SLOT 1, make sure there is RAM in SLOT 2r
Overall view of the 3 contact points
VERY CAREFULLY using a sharp blade such as Xacto or a box cutter blade - scrape away the green coating from the points labelled SDA SCL.
Also scrape away any film coating from the point labelled GND