dear all,
I confirm : Logger n Decrypter works perfect.
Schematic is also partially perfect. Let me describe the way i unlocked.
Use a std. c55 data cable.
Short pin 3 & 5 AND 4 & 7 (as per schematic in zip file).
Now to apply external supply a minor difference from shematic.
Use a 10K resistor, connect it to pin9.
Connect 12v positive to this resistor.
Connect 12v Negative to GND pin of cable. ( a black wire normally connected already to it - pin2)
Start logger. Here comes the trick. Try the way, we do in sam flashing.
Little gamble here also. Phone may turn ON - try to off it. Try again. Dont loose your nerves. You gonna have success soon.
After all these decrypt the log. Enter the desired code. Check it with *#0606#.
Try n post your results and your IDEAS.
regards |