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Old 03-29-2011, 07:19   #10377 (permalink)
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registered to: saeedullah_khan

Connect phone on selected interface...

Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info... - Ok

Core version : 1.18 , Rev : 3.0

Selected FlashSettings : Manual
Check FlashFiles, Please, wait...

Files Set for Flashing :
MCU : rm237__07.21.mcusw
PPM : rm237__07.21.ppm_mea4
CNT : rm237__07.21.image_mea4
Flashing phone now...
Check files done...
-> SWversion check skipped : Manual mode selected
Backup CRT308 data...
CRT308 Backup Created...
Batery valtage : 3792 mV
-> Batery voltage less, than 3,8V (3792mV). Continue at user risk
Getting product info...
RAP_BOOT: 0901010002010000
RAP_PUBLIC: 0E70011336F97E566219240192BCCF3A6130728B
RAP_PAPUBKEY: C0E691EA16A7593A9BB28832D7312A39F7ED668D
Checking CNT sector PN<>FL
PN CNT sector : 128 kb
Converted content already exist, skip convert and using 128k
DownGr: Prepare phone for downgrade...
DownGr: Prepare Started.... Psec : 12704
-> Prepare status : Ok
DownGr: Phone ready!
Loader len: 253888, CHK: 129B
ADL -> Sending loader...
Update Server code succesfully sent to phone!
TIME : Boot time : 00:00:04
Reopening the connection...
Waiting for response: 30
Waiting for response: 29
ADL -> [2nd] changing...
ADL Server confirm flashmode!
ADL : Check data
ADL : Data NOT accepted by phone, continue at user risk
ADL : ASIC CMT select Ok
===Flashing [MCU]===
Erase : Processing rm237__07.21.mcusw
Found 9 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x00000000 - 0x000006BF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x000006C0 - 0x0001FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00020000 - 0x0007FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00080000 - 0x000DFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00100000 - 0x001FFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00200000 - 0x0031FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00320000 - 0x0105FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x01060000 - 0x01067FFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x01068000 - 0x0107FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:02:17
Write : Processing rm237__07.21.mcusw
Total 944 [944/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [NOLO]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [KEYS]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PRIMAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PASUBTOC]
CMT : PAPUBKEYS skip, already sent
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [UPDAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [DSP0]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [MCUSW]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PMM_CONF]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SBIF_CONF]
TIME : Write time : 00:01:01
MCU Write done
===Flashing [PPM]===
Erase : Processing rm237__07.21.ppm_mea4
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x01080000 - 0x0151FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:40
Write : Processing rm237__07.21.ppm_mea4
Total 178 [178/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
TIME : Write time : 00:00:12
PPM Write done
===Flashing [CNT]===
Erase : Processing rm237__07.21.image_mea4_128
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x01520000 - 0x01FDFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:01:58
Write : Processing rm237__07.21.image_mea4_128
Total 212 [212/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
TIME : Write time : 00:00:14
CNT Write done
ADL : End flashing

Flashing done!
Total flash time : 00:06:23
Reboot phone now...

Reading Phone Info....
Connected phone - Nokia 3110c
Software Info: V 07.21 05-11-08 RM-237 (c) Nokia.
IMEI: 356029035287704
PPM version : V 07.21 05-11-08 RM-237 (c) Nokia. MEA
Product code: 0544343
SimLock status : SimLock is Ok
Security status : Security is Ok
Read Info Done!
Settings After Flash Defaults...
Checking User Certificates...
Total - 0 certs
Uploading certificates...
Writen 21 certs!
AfterFlash operations done... Reconnect, wait...

Elapsed: 00:07:11

Connect phone on selected interface...

Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info... - Ok
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