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Old 08-05-2012, 18:50   #202 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ~AKSingh~ View Post
BB OS 4.5...175 and above have memory access restrictions
since phones like 8230, 8530 and 9630 came out with that OS version already there's no known way to enable mamory reading,
and since there's no older versions hence no downgrade

Beside these there are lot of issues in Blackberry Cdma like corrupted reg id
leading to no spc access

all can be resolved

Some particular version of firmware not allows to access proper ad******* need to be downgraded to only fixed versions etc

bla bla ......

Mr. Singh, I've read the whole thread and have a few questions. If I use BBSAK to wipe an 8530 until I see the 507 error, can the memory of this device then be read? And if yes, do you know the esn memory ad******* that would apply? Or do I dump the complete device memory and use winhex to search for the esn #... and if yes; in what format would such a number appear? That part is not clear to me although I've read what you've written on the subject.
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