Read this if u need Dragon Dongle
gpgDragon Dongle Release:
For Non Dragon box User !!!
Support All the Box and USB Cable Flash Mobile
if you are use the Avator Box\IQ-Doctor Box\Super Doctor Box\MTK-BOX\UCT-BOX\ET-BOX\Hyper Box ;this dongle support Box pinfind
if you are use the other box Like Mastertools\CPF-BOX\Miracle Box or others
you need set pinout or use that box pinfind first
if you are use USB cable or directly Com port cable(Like Pl2303 Cable) you can untick the scan pinout and support it Free GIFT
We are thinking old User no have the New jigs,so the First 1000 dongle User you can Get the New Jigs P-07A and P-08B for free IF YOU ARE INTERESTED TO BUY A DRAGON DONGLE. REGISTER NOW ON PRO.GPGINDUSTRIES.COM AND ASK ANY OF GPG SALES TEAM TO UPGRADE YOUR ACCOUNT