View Full Version : TST Dongle

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  1. Mobile Technician Required
  2. zteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  3. Successfull unlocked U900 without RPL
  4. D730 pda flashing cable
  5. plz help
  6. Need TST Dongle Driver
  7. is long time no support from tst
  8. what happened to ur side??
  9. what's up TST team
  10. help 100%
  11. tst serial no.
  12. Calibrate failed!
  13. TST team how to contact with you ?
  14. Can't download to support site
  15. unfreeze unlock Z540V
  16. D800 chinese
  17. x820 white display
  18. TST to UST PRO 2 Activation
  19. Does TST v3 full releasing
  20. buffurover TST kill my phone
  21. E600 Dead After flash
  23. D900XEFG4 what launguage
  24. samsung t319 unlock
  25. support
  26. T.S.T are dead product
  27. T.S.T update
  28. I just saw Zule's post and...
  29. e315
  30. S400i full flash
  32. dead z105. is it possible 2 repair?
  33. I can't flash x495->490
  34. TST last post 11/07/06, Where is TST team!?
  35. x660 "no service" after unlock!?!
  36. how to unlock D800 with tst
  37. I need X200 full flash
  38. T.S.T no Write imei for X820 E900
  39. ****New FREE agera flasher, X160, X820, C130, D830, D840, E900, E910****
  40. how to unlock D800 with tst
  41. how to unlock t809 in tst
  42. X650
  43. I have D510 after boot(I use tst)
  44. D520 Drivers
  45. tst product is dead.
  46. Unlock Z320i ?????????
  47. >>How to Unlock E730 with TST<<
  48. >>How to Install TST Dongle on PC<<
  49. X650 software and datacable?
  50. z140 restart all the time
  51. x461 flasher/flash files where?
  52. help me with X150
  53. NEW: Swift flasher for D600 - now supports new BBAND ID.
  54. Free Agera Downloader for TST user (E900, D830, D840, D520, X800, X810, E770, X900,.)
  55. z510restarts/freeze=format user area?!?
  56. E370 Unlock When???
  57. so do
  58. Change band c207
  59. What about E900 ?
  60. tst need
  61. Unlock T809
  62. i need sam e860 cable pinout???
  63. "Software Differences"
  64. How to flash v804ss
  65. D720 Problem
  66. D407 Readout Address?? Anyone?!
  67. SWIFT Flasher 3.2h #061206 at support area!
  68. p300
  69. p910 unlock
  70. Z540 , V804SS support here.
  71. Where r flasher for Z540&V804SS ?
  72. Training Manual d820
  73. x670 unlock???
  74. to tst support
  75. Training Manual
  76. Unlock
  77. s400i dont unlock why?
  78. Unlock
  79. E720 to E728 - now white lcd
  80. t.s.t v 3.0
  81. Whos The Best Ressaler In Pakistan????????????
  82. error in tst plz help me
  83. I can't put it to work
  84. Z540 Flashing ready!
  85. Please help me unlock T509
  86. V804SS Flashing Support here.
  87. resend password not working
  88. D820 Change imei
  89. X426/X427 full flash
  90. Z140V Unlock
  91. D500 BT ID needed.
  92. ((((Samsung Pinouts))))))
  93. Help me
  94. d820 unlocking with tst?????
  95. Zv10 Afetr Flashe Only Red LCD
  96. #24.05.06 Agere Flasher update!
  97. NEW TST Swift Flasher 3.11r #061805
  98. Bad flash file support
  99. @TST U now cross the line!
  100. blind tst team!
  101. ts6t and d800
  102. No Updates, 5 Months, This Forum Needs Closing.
  103. help...wich flasher use for zv10 to flash in tst or free
  104. i need arabic flash for D820 can i read it from new phone and how can i read flash
  105. d820 flashing!
  106. How Can I Unlock A Phone With Tst?
  107. !!! Zv10 New Fimware Solution Here !!!!
  108. P850 Firmware...
  109. Pinout For All Samsung
  110. T.S.T cannt unlock new ZV10
  111. help me..
  112. Can't install D3 Total samsung Tool 2,99
  113. When be ready new SWIFT and Agera tool??
  114. Tst Password
  115. i nees answer if i have cables for tst ps2 and i add cable ps2 its sure work with the
  116. zv10 freeze
  117. Samsung 14in1 Cable pinout needed
  118. @TST! Pls re-upload _SWIFT_Unlock_v2.99
  119. #20.04.2006 New MODEL Supported.
  120. D600 very urgent
  121. When will support change imei for T809 ?
  122. Hello...hello..TST Team,Where are you....
  123. Samsung x480 hang.. n samsung e310 blinking..
  124. Move Tst Section
  125. X660 Camera Not Work After Flash
  126. @TST question please
  127. X430 low signal !
  128. @TST - Update
  129. TST V3 Internal_5.rar (problem)
  130. TST Team about Unlock Z500V
  131. I700 pinout needed
  132. Oooo..I finaly get answer...
  133. i want buy tst
  134. D415 after flash to chinese no network
  135. E315 continue searching after flash
  136. @TST Z500 dead boot-how to repair?
  137. Samsung Z500 continues reboot after wrong flash
  138. E640 Auto Restart
  139. D820 & Z508 @TST Team
  140. Tst?
  141. bad support
  142. How to flash D415 to chinese ?????
  143. TST - Close this forum...
  144. TST team you custemers are angry
  145. X660v Russian Flashing
  146. d800 unlock?
  147. D600 can't change imei
  148. How To Flash P207
  149. New Update AGERE from TST
  150. very "quick" team!
  151. Samsung ZM60 cable
  152. helpme p777 optiflash
  153. Strang D500.Bluetooth on but not send and recieve.Pls cal ID bluetooth.
  154. X490 when?
  155. z105
  156. HI, how to flash D720? anyone knows?
  157. how to flash E720
  158. p777 dead
  159. TST on XP
  160. schematic cable A200 TST. pls help
  161. X450 - read/write flash?
  162. How can unlock X850
  163. tst team
  164. Support for Z320i !!
  165. E800 after flash>white screen
  166. post all TST complaints!!!
  167. What D600 Flah Contain Hebrew?
  168. Dongle problem
  169. hello
  170. d600 imei?
  171. When Will Be The Next Update
  172. unlocking A800
  173. x700 full flash
  174. where are you tst team i am waiting
  175. mr tst i cant enter in support why are the support down or close my ac**** i wait
  176. c120
  177. D608 on support without TFS file!!!
  178. Support Login When Will Be Activated!!
  179. i dont now why...
  180. TST team i need help for T809
  181. how du use the calculator
  182. calculate BT ID
  183. help me unlock t309
  184. cant boot e800 after flash
  185. E860 Romania language
  186. flashing x480
  187. TST - Please solve the BUG on V3
  188. problems Unlocking R225m with TST
  189. plz tst i need help
  190. What about the "WAIT" for the release of the new version...??
  191. Tst Panasonic
  192. E350 No Ringer Or Speaker
  193. X700
  194. SAMSUNG N710 How to flash ?
  195. what is dongle1 dongle2,dongle3
  196. SamSGH-E105 problems
  197. Cant unlock Z500v
  198. Samsung E640 power on just show startup screen n dead..
  199. Z 130 by TST dongle
  200. please mr tst help me with n620e