- Save a bricked CX65
- siemens a75 flash help me
- Benq s6 tablet pc 3g gsm sim slot 4.8" touch screen bluetooth wi-fi atom
- a62 after unlock dead
- How Do I Hard Reset my Siemens SX66
- a70 dead after defrage eeprom with jocker
- repairnv--Only got NV items for E81, SXG75, SL91 and SFG75
- Sl98 patching
- need help for unlocking e61 ben-siemens
- support bengQ
- need pinout s68
- c65 need exchages IMEI
- To M Dago!
- beng siem EF81 REBOOT ITSELF
- BenQ T33 locked by user, help me !
- need full flash cx75 v23 for martech
- flash cx75 v23
- Benq-s660 sp-unlock and lock code here
- benq E71
- req,..flash file benq e61.help,...
- howto benq s88 imei change
- need s68 usb driver please
- Need flash me75v22 lg04
- AX75 after unlock no Network!!!
- how to removed phonecode from A62??
- how to EL71 imei change
- Need SL75 flash
- probleme Benq-siemens E71 beep
- c75 network locked
- c75 need full flash
- me75 v22 I need lg 05
- a65 bad cut
- sx1 flash file only 2.4 mb ?????????
- Benq-Siemens M81 firmware
- benq AX72 unlock then dead!
- Need AutoSendSMS Shortcut patch
- Need A60 100% ok flash file for Joker
- A75 full fash version 35 please
- EF81 need be helpped!!!!!!!!
- I need Bootcore flash eprom of cx70 where?
- S65 Can not delete address book (PhoneCode Locked)
- Please Help Me Unlocking Benq E61
- ax72
- siemens
- i need softwere for unlocking network lock of O2 x1b
- SXG75 dead help!!!!
- how to Flashing CF110 ?
- cf62 on martech arabic flash file
- all siemens file downlode hear
- tools for unlocking CL75 needed
- Can someone help me please in CX65 !!!!
- Help SL7C dead
- any help for unlocking Siemens ME175
- Siemens A60 problem
- How To Repair A Dead Cx75 V25??
- EL71 or C81 or M81 Baseband Firmware
- MC60 v.10 VBattDSP address ?
- pz help for flash
- Kill c75 with dreambox
- m65 flash file plss foir sst
- Benq-Siemens SXG75 Problem After Updating to FW22
- Need Patch File For C60
- Siemens Benq E61 Unlocker
- how to fullflash C75?
- Elfpack 2.2 and Master Patch 14
- Adding new lang to x65/75
- remove Aircraft check from A65
- S.Ericsson GOT_crack
- Siemens SL65 need flasher
- a65 - swuped and locked
- new box powered adem baba
- c60 boot pls
- A65 unlock
- need fullflash for st 6o ergent
- cf75 imei repair
- dead a60
- A70 &A75 flasch prob
- A75 flasch prob
- iam tired with my martech
- sk65 Blackberry edition
- Help me with C60
- How to create patches on SX1 (symbian)
- Need solution to change A71 to 900MHz!
- push-to-talk in S75
- CF75 died...restoring memory and T9 files...now dosn't work...pls help me!
- Need sx1 vodafone firmware
- Fls Files For A60
- BENQ-SIEMENS E71 proshivka 39 ?
- Master Codes For Siemens Phones
- Repair SL75 Eeprom
- C62 problem
- how can use iemei patch files
- cf110
- ax72 change ımeı
- siemens flash binary format
- m65 imei please.
- some good questions
- Mobile Accessibility v2.52
- memoy assistant - my menu
- photo spy !
- Apps_and_Games_on_MMC - S65 !
- mmc_reference_ui-20060130 - S65 !
- HourlyEvent java program for s65-fw58 !?!?!?!?!?
- PERSIAN T9 Language
- help about these 19 patches ! S65!
- question about some secret codes in S65 ?!?!!
- S65v58_Extra_Info_on_ProgressBars_v2 ???????????????
- Screen Speed-Up patch in s65-fw58 !
- start menu in s65 ????????
- changing main menu icons in S65 !??????!
- Show hidden message pictures in x65
- cf 62 imei change help please
- simens s65 blanc on lcd
- shared memory C72
- please help Me ! my phone (s65-sw58) do not turn on ! - i use some patches !
- Need pach midlet for S75
- Patch for C72
- Disable check IMEI number in OTP for CF62
- how can I do modified to siemens usb cable
- how can i patch my cx70
- How change imei on x65 with martech?
- @@@ C72 Unlock 10000% @@@
- A60 flash help pls...
- Benq Sİemmens El71 Unlock Help
- Help Me~~i Really Get Mad~~~
- C75 t9 without national letters ?
- how to use joker software?
- C65 unlocking prob??
- SPC3 doesn't support X75?
- strange problem a65 please help
- ple help s75 kiled
- help me! how to unlock c65
- C60 call bared
- Learn Flash Patching here
- IsBoot A60
- problem with ax72
- Addition to PIT-table
- S65: Remove T-Mobile & Change Language
- a60 flash problem!!!!!!
- Siemens A60,c60 Flashfiles Joker,sst &frea
- cx65 and a75 flasher and flash files need
- Vibration problems, siemens c75
- A65 Call Barred Pls help
- SXG75 Patches
- winswup for cx75 - battery problem
- A62 no power
- c60 dead
- C75 language for sst
- good eeprom collection
- how to fix problem?
- unlcok siemens c65 v54.?
- Need flash C65
- cx 70 phone code locked
- m46
- A70 full flash lg 04
- All SIEMENS chinese language FULLFLASH download is here
- need c65 eeprom file
- Unlocking A62
- S75 Patching
- help me
- Site with Flashes
- Dca540
- how to use V_KLay to connect ME75 ?
- how patching siemens S65 with v_klay 3.3 ?
- x75 imei repair
- Memory increase patch (technical)
- need help on change IMEI on AX75
- cx70 patch
- Writing patches in C (using ADS)
- MasterPatch (technical)
- Compression of SMS
- how to use V_KLay to connect a65 ?
- how to use V_KLay to connect a65 ?
- FunctionLibrary and Patterns
- enable MMS
- SST TIME Pacht
- Siemens A65 Patch Request
- s65 Bootcore patch
- Help!!!! My MC60 can not patch anymore!!!
- what cable should I use to patch/unlock C65 and C60
- Help!!!! Need T9 input file(flash) or pitch for MC60
- help plz
- Java bootcore patch don't work on M65v12. Any solution?
- x65 patching technical discussion
- SL65 Bootloader JAVA patcher ?
- Change product date
- Can patch CX65 by DCA-540 usb cable ?
- S65 vs. S6V
- A65 flash patch question
- Warning volume up on SX1!
- c65 v33: when patching get message no room for patch data
- ALL YOU NEED for x65-series - take a look
- C65 black or white list "patch"
- CF62 imei patch wanted
- CF62T patching problem
- Unlock CF62 with patch_cF62
- X6x Flash patches(For Patch only!!!)