- 1208 flashing problem
- JAf is back
- JAF BOX Cant detect,.NO USB light
- any one had 5800 contact after flash or bad unlock lock her
- restricted codes for nokia 2610
- 6270 dead succesfully done by J.A.P flasher
- 3230 hung up successfully done
- Can't launch icon jaf
- nokia 3110 dead
- Unlocking
- P key not Detected
- 6710 navigator fbus cable help
- nokia 6230i no themes or ringtones
- Slow up date
- pls help jaf new eror
- Error while updating JAF
- jaf feuture ?
- what is this?
- Nokia N73 Failed! Aborting!...IMEI
- need new version of jaf setup supporting for 1202 sets
- I need flash file rm 391 mcu 6.81
- n72 flashing problem
- help me pkey
- JAF dongle init failed
- PKEY Died by zulea
- Who`s unlock SL3 phones!!!!?????
- 5800d RM-356, died... Help Me!!!
- N95 Rm 159
- big probleme
- 6730 ??????
- jaf box circuit
- 26.80 unlock succsess version 4.91
- nokia 2228 RM-377
- All pkey cann't update, see this
- update p-key for reset card counter
- Hello jaf team what is this
- E51 plz help me
- flash file 1208 urdu ia
- mcu files
- Sir jaf nokia cabe using for universal box
- jaf box
- n70 deed after flash help me plz
- 3110c contact service
- Nokia 1600b Contact Service-5
- Help for nokia complete flash file,
- 18:29:06.281 Error: JAF dongle init failed please help me
- 18:29:06.281 Error: JAF dongle init failed please help me
- Plz Help Me Urgent..
- Jaf main software
- question for jaf team.
- pk update error help me
- nokia 1200 not boot error
- Jaf team
- imei
- n95 error flashing..
- need for Help!!unlock 6120c rm-243 after write rpl?
- 3 days SX4 server not working
- I need firmware 2760 h
- All jaff unlockers+jaff tips+video tutorial
- n2630 error loading loader
- N73 phone start up
- ...:::free 120pm field maker:::...
- ...:::free 120pm field maker:::...
- What am i doing wroung member
- need help with 5300b
- I need firmware rh 87 mcu 7.04
- Contact service 5000d-2 RM_362
- Connecting to server...
- pls help
- nm706i unlock
- 3110 flashing problem
- SX4 NOT Working
- Sucessfully unlock 3120c byJAF Nokia_bb5_and_bb5plus no tp unlocker
- Can 7100 nokia be unlock?
- How to register with jaf cc
- About Flashing Nokia 6300
- Need Pm for N96 Rm-247 Emergensy!!
- Nokia 6126
- RM-159 steel not supported
- 5200 flashing problem
- Mr.Raskal please help ,c:\program Files\odion\jaf\jaflog.txt was not found
- Mr. Raskal please help?
- download bb5 flash files
- 2610b dead
- 1200 v5.71
- jaf ver 1.98.63
- 5220 contact service after write rpl
- need help
- pkey without working
- JAF Sagem Activation Not Working!
- probleme unlocking nokia 2630 ver 6.82
- BB5 unlocking models
- support sever down ??
- 5610d-1 error flash
- Phone startup faild.Contact the retailer
- all dct4+ mcu colection
- My Jaf box not working
- JAF+ Dead project?
- jaf vodafone or sagem??
- jaf pkey and bb5 no TP
- new jaf pkey user.Infos needed
- how to use JAF box? help me!
- Error sync the phone with JAF_1.98.62
- 1202 af flash imei ??????????
- jaf get error: box not installed...can any friends tell me how to fix it?
- need help N81-8g dead after flash
- plz ineed n85 pm file
- 2680s RM-392 successful unlocked
- please driver nokia 6500c
- As change imei the nokia 5000
- help me jaf
- jaf team attention many many creak on net
- 7100s unlocking
- 6233 stuck in test mode
- probleme bb5
- Problem with my JAF Box...JUST RED LED TURNED ON!!! HELP ME
- 6500c imei 12345
- e71 contact retailer
- how to flash N70
- nokia 2630 v 6.82 downgrade v4.90.
- N70...white display??????????????
- what is SX4 Server ??????
- I have big problem with my box jaf!!!!!!
- Problem in the execution for JAF
- can i repair nokia 2760 by jaf?
- plz
- Help Me Sir My Pkey Is not Geting Upgrade
- Ruskal is hugarisal
- Cant access SX4 Server
- n96 flashing problem with jaf
- N95 shoing nokia after flash help.....
- please help me my pkey update not yet
- my pkey unable to updated but why.......
- unlock nokia 500d-2
- I can't unlock nokia 2680 RM393
- Pinout 1200 usb to rj45
- 6125 problem
- support down/need flash file for 2680
- help raskal... my pkey
- nokia 1650 contact service??
- 5310 music contact service after accept
- Unlock 2680s problem
- pkey got error whene i check my rpl blance
- to raskal
- plz help when i flash a set the model of set
- special offer jaf vspec serial PKEY: 900102A2
- DCT4+ RM-298 v6.82 needed
- nokia 6555b rm289 flash
- Please, N95 correct flashing manual...
- N 81 8gb flashing
- What the NEED of JAF PLUS?? After CINEK release?
- Hlep to reset my pkey
- pm aouth error
- nokia 1112 pm
- Utility of JAF Plus as interface
- failed aborting error in 1200
- my jaf plus dead product???????
- please help error flashing 6500s
- Special Offer for JAF Plus, JAF Plus Mexico edition and Vspec owners
- will jaf release BB5 unlock whiout TP?
- 7373 can't flash it. I did read many posts before.
- E65 error
- Nk N70 confing:ffffffffffffffff unlock solution
- N73 SIM card not valid! after flash.
- after flash not boot
- jaf p-key support problem
- e65-1 testmode i need help
- Anyone having problems with 6300 please read...
- problem in connecting 3120c
- pls sir upload hear driver
- 6300 cant unlock
- BB5king activation for Jaf Plus Mexico Edition
- flashing with JAF and nokia 5310x power
- 6300 problem with jaf
- n95 how to?
- Galaxy man cable finder 9.2 ready.
- 5300 unlocked but no network
- Jaf vodafone addon unlocking instructions.
- need help odeon team
- N5000 unlock done by jaf 1.98.58
- Problam in 1208 not in jaf plz help any body
- request letter
- Fail to use sx4 server
- problem unlock dc4+
- I have v-spec and jaf plus and not funtions
- Pls tell me how can i ?
- What is diffrent betwen Jaf PLUS and Jaf Plus Mexico edition?
- 6300 All tries have been used..
- My new box
- restriction
- 6288 damaged CLK pin but OK
- problim in jaf
- 6280 ok!!!
- n95 new versions
- n70 sx4 error contact retailer
- n95 softbank still nokia
- JAF Plus Mexico Edition UPDATE
- supported versions update
- HELP I can't read info on any phone model with the JAF ...what is up with it.
- need PM of RM-314