1. i want this
  2. Reseller Welcome Special Offer See This :) Best Price !!!
  3. Spiderman cable available in Mumbai
  4. Dits Tweezers available in Mumbai
  5. dits Screwdriver available in Mumbai
  6. dits iron now available in Mumbai
  7. JAF 40 in 1 X-series cable set available here
  8. JAF 25 in 1 CABLE SET available here
  9. HWK UFS 42 in 1 X-plus cable set available here
  10. HWK 125 in 1 X-plus cable set available
  11. ***Gsmfinder credits for sale ( become a resseller and start earning)***
  12. Attention for (Calcutta) Indian customers
  13. Good News!!! Look All Bangladeshi Distributer & Reseller !!!
  14. ***New Resseller in india on 30-8-11***
  15. ***New Resseller Update in NIGERIA on 17-08-11***
  16. Reseller updates in NIGERIA
  17. ***NK trident ubps cables ready stock in Pakistan***
  18. ***NK trident ubps cables ready stock with indian ressellers***
  19. ***New Resseller in Spain on 21-4-11***
  20. ***looking for more Distributers & Ressellers in Suadi Arabia ***
  21. (Attention for india customers)
  22. For all DITS Resellers & Distributors - We Need Your Details
  23. dits Avatar and Wallpaper Collection for all User
  24. Welcome Resellers
  25. ***Gsm4gulf exclusive distributer for DITS in Egypt***
  26. *** We are looking for serious distributers & ressellers in pakistan***
  27. DITS SHOP IN MOROCCO all new hot stock
  28. ***New Resseller in Indonesia on 7-4-11***
  29. who is dits cable reseeler in gujrat ?
  30. ***New Resseller in Indonesia on 12-3-11***
  31. ***New Resseller in Dominican Republic***
  32. ***New Resseller in Kazakhstan on 1-3-11***
  33. sir i want interested to become a reseller in pakistan
  34. ***New Resseller in Algeria on 19-2-11***
  35. ***New Resseller update in siliguri on 13-2-11***
  36. ***New Distributer & Genius Shoppe in Kerala 13-2-11 ***
  37. ***New Distributer & Genius Shoppe in Delhi ***
  38. Seek for reseler with fizical stoc
  39. ***New Resseller Update in IRAQ on 11-1-11***
  40. ***New Distributer & Genius Shoppe in Kolkatta***
  41. ***New Distributer in Andra pradesh 5-1-11***
  42. ***Listed cheaters***
  43. ***New Resseller in Turkey on 23-12-10***
  44. ***Gsmbaza for russian users(dits product news )***
  45. some use full stuff from DITS in stock
  46. ***New Resseller in Italy on 17-11-10***
  47. ***New Resseller in Thailand on 16-11-10***
  48. ***New Resseller in INDIA on 16-11-10***
  49. ***New Resseller in MORROCO on 15-11-10***
  50. ***dits-shoppe genius and dits -shoppe list***
  51. *** we are looking for more distributer in india ***
  52. ***New Distributer in Bangladesh 25-10-10***
  53. dits compny reseller
  54. Problem on register or order online
  55. Mohsin !! Dits Cables HOt Stock Ready
  56. ***New Resseller in Yemen on 20-9-10***
  57. ***New Resseller in Venezuela on 13-9-10***
  58. *** Dits looking for ressellers in following countries ***
  59. Queries
  60. Mohsin-*!! Jaf , MT,ufs V & useries and many many more back in stock
  61. ***cancelled ressellers ( that no more selling dits products)***
  62. ***New resseller updates in Hongkong 19-7-10***
  63. Reseller in Bangladesh
  64. I phone card and Ufc4 now in stock
  65. ***New Resseller updated in philipines 9-7-10 ***
  66. ***New resseller updates in Brazil 2-7-10***
  67. how can i chang language ???
  68. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  69. DITS UFC4 and many more again in stock
  70. ***Resseller updates in india on 11-6-10***
  71. ***New Resseller opened new shop in shenzen & hongkong china 10-6-10 ***
  72. ***China new distributer on 3-6-10***
  73. India we are looking more ressellers in each city
  74. DITS cables hot stock ready in pakistan
  75. ***Distributer update in Saudi Arabia ***
  76. Dits Shop in Pakistan
  77. Reseller Update in Iran
  78. DITS cables ready for sale
  79. Distributer update in Srilanka
  80. Reseller updates in IRAQ
  81. Official Announcement- distributer update in Pakistan and reseller list
  82. Reseller updates in Morocco
  83. ***Resseller updates in Turkey on 14-4-10***
  84. Distributer update in Russia
  85. ***New resseller updates in china 14-3-10***
  86. ..:: Dits Cdma Cablesets In Stock::..
  87. Reseller in DUBAI
  88. Dits hot products here
  89. Resseller updates in india on 04-03-10
  90. ***New Resseller opened new shop in china ***
  91. Reseller updates in VIETNAM
  92. Dits hot products here
  93. huge DITS Cables collection in Karachi pk
  94. Dits rapu series
  95. Dits rapu series cables sets available now
  96. ***Resseller updates in india on 21-1-10***
  97. Reseller updates in NIGERIA
  98. ***Resseller updates in india on 13-1-09***
  99. *** Resseller updates in India on 12-1-10***
  100. Reseller updates in UGANDA
  101. who is your Reseller in Morocco Please
  102. Reseller updates for ECUADOR and CUBA
  103. all latest dits nokia cables in punjab(india)
  104. *** Here is the list of the countries we looking for ressellers ***
  105. ***resseller updates in india on 12-12-09***
  106. ***resseller updates in india on 11-12-09***
  107. dits cables in panjab
  108. ***distributer update in UAE 9-12-09***
  109. ***resseller updates in india on 8-12-09***
  110. ***resseller updates in croatia on 8-11-09***
  111. ***resseller updates in LIBYA on 8-11-09***
  112. ***resseller updates in india on 21-11-09***
  113. *** reseller updates in china on 19-11-09***
  114. DITS Looking for Distributers and more resellers
  115. ***Distributer & reseller updates in india on 31-10-09
  116. Who is Your reseller in Ukraine ?
  117. 22-10-2009 resseller updates
  118. 21-10-2009 distributer and resseller updates
  119. Dits is looking for ressellers and distributers in latin america
  120. ***15-10-09 reseller updates ***
  121. ***Distributers and Resellers List Worldwide ***
  122. ***Distributer and Resseller list in CHINA ***
  123. ***Distributer & ressellers list in india ***
  124. ***distribution & resseller condition for india***
  125. ***distributer & reseller section world wide ***