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Old 02-04-2005, 02:41   #980 (permalink)
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bout NAM2 autosize capability:
Patch detects if a name is written in IDs string.
If it find a different name from "empty", this will be added as a new item in the profile menu.
Viceversa, if you want to delete an non used item, just replace it's name in the patch item names to "empty" (string ID 322hex).
This is little change in NAMv3.
The checked word to hide an item is FFFF, as I wrote in patch explanation.

sorry, my disasm are a mess and they were not thought to be pubblished, and so they are not ready for that.
If and when I have time I'll make them pubblishable, but right now I can't.

Thanks my friend.
Actually, I finished the "simply" adaptation the same day I started (BTW, SL v3.b has some errors inside, at least the pubblished in patches thread version)
Then I worked on improuvments (different string ID collector -S45i don't have an extended lgp- , autosize capability, use of different menu structures for 2 menus - sks texts, beginnig icons space and titles - , button 0-9 use, jump to selected item if a button is pressed-not only flag it-), on space saving (use of subroutines, use of all registers, use of RAM), on feature customizable possibility.
Then I made the pictures, and tested it for one day (as always before pubblish a complex patch).
Morover, I'm also trying to study for my examinations (with very little results)...

When you will have the possibility to try it, please tell me if you like the "improuvments"!

Last edited by lalo.lerry; 02-04-2005 at 03:00.
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