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Old 02-08-2005, 02:35   #990 (permalink)
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When I write a long sms and I come to the second one, LCC info shows 143 characters left for the second sms ... when approaching the third one, it shows 151 (what is ok according your explanation in the patch comment).
this behaviour is totally right.
The fact is that to send a multiple SMS each SMS must have a header, that uses 8 characters.
LCC starts to 1-160, but when it starts second SMS, it has to add at the beginning of 1 SMS it's header.
So, header for 1st SMS + header for 2nd SMS= 160-8-8=144
- the character you are used entering the 2nd SMS = 143

I've also noticed another nonstandard behavior, but I am not able to reproduce it again (once when I was writing end of the second sms and start of the third one, it suddenly showed this sequence:2 8, 2 7, 2 6, 3 5, 3 4, 3 3, 3 2, 3 1, 3 0, 3 151, 3 150 ... the first character means the sms number (bold) and the second remaining characters ... so to say in words - at the end of the sec. sms it suddenly showed the third sms (even when it is the second) with countdown to zero and after that it starts counting from 151 showing the number 3 for the sms ...)
Sorry I've never experienced such a strange behaviour, and I'm using it since release.
Anyway, I think it was a bug in original fw, as I didn't change the SMS number counting mode, but only the characters one.

BTW, when making the LCC, we (ntcn and me) found a bug in original fw contdown. Some very few used ASCII characters (e.g. ~) use 2 byte in SMS text buffer but are counted only as one character.
So if you insert them in a SMS the LCC will be less conting.

Last edited by lalo.lerry; 02-08-2005 at 02:54.
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