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Old 05-18-2005, 16:09   #10 (permalink)
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@G_spot, I wish you all the best but if you ever ask a simmilarly common question I wish you to receive a simmilar answer.

@James, when you see "Wrong SDoftware" this means that you need to change your IMEI. You can do it by KSIE program or Freia - I did not use it so I cannot tell you any details about it.

As far as KSIE is concerned you need to select the proper phone model and then press Security-> Unlock/Change IMEI. Write in the given space your IMEI - you can find it under the battery on the phone housing or on the warranty card. Note that you write in one digit less than it is shown in the original IMEI - it is just as it should be, so don't worry.
Well, that would be all. Good luck!


Froster - Poland
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