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Old 07-01-2005, 02:10   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ajaxspence
I paid around $350 USD for the Japanese Sharp 902SH, and an additional $200 USD for the unlocking service (expensive, I know). So, with a grand total of $550 USD (and all the headaches surrounding unlocking it), I suggest you buy the unlocked UK version (Sharp 902), unless you really want the Japanese features (Kanji & Kana input, menus, etc.)

Or, if you are patient enough to wait a few weeks unlocked versions of the 902SH will go on sale (via ebay and other auction sites). This could be a bit tricky because dishonest people will claim that the 902SH they're selling has been unlocked properly. But, if you do find an site/individual you trust, that's great. Although I think the price will be something like $700 USD. You can save a little money by purchasing the locked version and unlocking the phone yourself by sending it to Hong Kong (soon many other places will be able to unlock. Jerry can't keep that info to himself forever. Gotta love a snitch!).
yup it is expensive, in the philippines we unlock it for you for 100usd without asking twice. (compared to 550usd)
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