Asus_a009 ZenFone V V520KL done Asus_a009 ZenFone V V520KL done as ZU680KL (A001)
Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Platform: ASUS
Selected model: ZU680KL (A001)
Put the phone into Fastboot Mode:
1. Power phone OFF;
2. Press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Phone found.
Enabling "USB Debugging" mode...
Rebooting to Normal mode...
Searching for a phone (waiting for ADB device)...
Phone found.
Reading info...
Phone model: asus ASUS_A009
SW version: NMF26F
Date: Wed Dec 13 16:30:51 CST 2017
Android version: 7.1.1
Baseband SPF_2020000_18.3.0_171012
Resetting FRP lock..
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Performed by Software version. |