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Old 06-29-2019, 07:05   #1 (permalink)
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after change da and preloder file a45 flashing done

Var ITEL-A45 (A45 LTE DS) at USB Auto Select [MTK] {Write Flash}
Scatter : MT6739_Android_scatter.txt
BR USB Com: Vid_0e8d&Pid_2000 (Preloader)
DA Agent : MTK_AllInOne_DA_TC3963.bin
BR ComPort: COM16
BR Asic Id: MT0699 [0000] Alias: MT6739
BR Asic Sw: 8A00 CB00 0002 0000
BR Secured: 05 [SBC DAA]
DA AgentId: SA715E103AF72B8191
DA Version: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2017/12/14.17:12_396299.
Authentication Need BROM Boot (With Vol Keys)
DA ProtVer: 4
PR DlagVer: 1.0
PR BootMod: preloader
DA Asic Id: MT0699 [8A00 CB00 0002 0000 0000]
eMMC BOOT1: 0x0000000000400000 [4.194.304] 4 MB
eMMC BOOT2: 0x0000000000400000 [4.194.304] 4 MB
eMMC RPMB : 0x0000000000080000 [524.288] 512 KB
eMMC USER : 0x00000001D2000000 [7.818.182.656] 7.28 GB
eMMC CID : 150100464E36324D4203B9F8D40E55AB [FN62MB]
ERAM Size : 0x0000000040000000 [1.073.741.824] 1024 MB
IRAM Size : 0x0000000000040000 [262.144] 256 KB
UNICAL RID: 0F0930E937B00AAED195BF9A2531EF7F
DA USBconf: high-speed
PGPT Found: 39 Partition Entries
SGPT Found: 39 Partition Entries
Partitions to Flash: 19 (7.06 GB)
Write preloader 256 KB, Skipped
Write pgpt 32 KB, Skipped
Write boot_para 1024 KB, Skipped
Write recovery 11.6 MB, Done in: 00:00.841 (Verified)
Write para 512 KB, Skipped
Write expdb 20 MB, Skipped
Write frp 1024 KB, Skipped
Write nvcfg 8 MB, Skipped
Write nvdata 32 MB, Skipped
Write metadata 32 MB, Skipped
Write protect1 8 MB, Skipped
Write protect2 9.47 MB, Skipped
Write seccfg 8 MB, Skipped
Write persist 48 MB, Skipped
Write sec1 2 MB, Skipped
Write proinfo 3 MB, Skipped
EMMC_WRITE_NM Error: -15 cover.img 4, 2A0002C0
EMMC_WRITE_AD Error: -6 cover.img 4, 0C0002C0
DA Shutdown Done, Disconnect Cable

Var ITEL-A45 (A45 LTE DS) at USB Auto Select [MTK] {Write Flash}
Scatter : MT6739_Android_scatter.txt
BR USB Com: Vid_0e8d&Pid_2000 (Preloader)
DA Agent : MTK_AllInOne_DA_V1.bin
BR ComPort: COM16
BR Asic Id: MT0699 [0000] Alias: MT6739
BR Asic Sw: 8A00 CB00 0002 0000
BR Secured: 05 [SBC DAA]
DA AgentId: MOCDF6691AB75545B8
DA Version: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2018/03/23.15:45_396299
Authentication Need BROM Boot (With Vol Keys)
DA ProtVer: 4
PR DlagVer: 1.0
PR BootMod: preloader
DA Asic Id: MT0699 [8A00 CB00 0002 0000 0000]
eMMC BOOT1: 0x0000000000400000 [4.194.304] 4 MB
eMMC BOOT2: 0x0000000000400000 [4.194.304] 4 MB
eMMC RPMB : 0x0000000000080000 [524.288] 512 KB
eMMC USER : 0x00000001D2000000 [7.818.182.656] 7.28 GB
eMMC CID : 150100464E36324D4203B9F8D40E55AB [FN62MB]
ERAM Size : 0x0000000040000000 [1.073.741.824] 1024 MB
IRAM Size : 0x0000000000040000 [262.144] 256 KB
UNICAL RID: 0F0930E937B00AAED195BF9A2531EF7F
DA USBconf: high-speed
PGPT Found: 39 Partition Entries
SGPT Found: 39 Partition Entries
Partitions to Flash: 19 (7.06 GB)
Write preloader 256 KB, Skipped
Write pgpt 32 KB, Skipped
Write boot_para 1024 KB, Skipped
Write recovery 11.6 MB, Done in: 00:00.831 (Verified)
Write para 512 KB, Skipped
Write expdb 20 MB, Skipped
Write frp 1024 KB, Skipped
Write nvcfg 8 MB, Skipped
Write nvdata 32 MB, Skipped
Write metadata 32 MB, Skipped
Write protect1 8 MB, Skipped
Write protect2 9.47 MB, Skipped
Write seccfg 8 MB, Skipped
Write persist 48 MB, Skipped
Write sec1 2 MB, Skipped
Write proinfo 3 MB, Skipped
Write cover 1024 Byte, Done in: 00:00.100
Write md1img 18.06 MB, Done in: 00:01.305 (Verified)
Write md1dsp 5.99 MB, Done in: 00:00.584 (Verified)
Write spmfw 27.8 KB, Done in: 00:00.132 (Verified)
Write mcupmfw 6.97 KB, Done in: 00:00.131 (Verified)
Write gz1 16 MB, Skipped
Write gz2 16 MB, Skipped
Write nvram 5 MB, Skipped
Write lk 514.8 KB, Done in: 00:00.185 (Verified)
Write lk2 514.8 KB, Done in: 00:00.159 (Verified)
Write loader_ext1 52.81 KB, Done in: 00:00.167 (Verified)
Write loader_ext2 52.81 KB, Done in: 00:00.163 (Verified)
Write boot 7.49 MB, Done in: 00:00.673 (Verified)
Write logo 5.86 MB, Done in: 00:00.569 (Verified)
Write odmdtbo 107.23 KB, Done in: 00:00.147 (Verified)
Write tee1 2.15 MB, Done in: 00:00.323 (Verified)
Write tee2 2.15 MB, Done in: 00:00.263 (Verified)
Write vendor 311.18 MB, Done in: 00:13.048 (Sparsed)
Write system 1.2 GB, Done in: 00:40.654 (Sparsed)
Write cache 5.8 MB, Done in: 00:00.686 (Sparsed)
Write userdata 56.27 KB, Done in: 00:00.231 (Sparsed)
Write flashinfo 16 MB, Skipped
Write sgpt 16.5 KB, Skipped
Write Done in : 01:02.251
DA Shutdown Done, Disconnect Cable
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