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Old 05-03-2020, 17:43   #24 (permalink)
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mobile_hotman's Avatar
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Any Body Faced this problem while flashing ?

LG 2-3G Tool v9.71
supported models: 1680

Mode: Emergency
Model: V480
Read info...
Laf Protocol: 01000001
Model name: LG-V480
Software verion: V48020b
Android verion: 5.0.2
Target operator: OPEN
Target country: US
Chipset: msm8226
IMEI: LG0000718195595
Elapsed: 5 secs. --> (v9.71)

Phone mode is DOWNLOAD
Start flashing.
Laf Protocol: 01000001
Open KDZ File : C:\Users\FARHAT\Downloads\V48020b_00.kdz
Checking file hash...
Model : LG-V480
SwVersion : LGV480AT-00-V20b-EUR-XX-SEP-10-2015+0
BuildTime : 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Total Files : 36
Model name: LG-V480
Software verion: V48020b
Android verion: 5.0.2
Target operator: OPEN
Target country: US
Chipset: msm8226
IMEI: LG0000718195595
Start direct download mode
Write "PrimaryGPT" partition #1 of 36
Write "modem" partition #2 of 36
Write "sbl1" partition #3 of 36
Write "rpm" partition #4 of 36
Write "tz" partition #5 of 36
Write "sdi" partition #6 of 36
Write "aboot" partition #7 of 36
Write "rpmb" partition #8 of 36
Write "tzb" partition #9 of 36
Write "abootb" partition #10 of 36
Write "persist" partition #11 of 36
Write "laf" partition #12 of 36
Write "boot" partition #13 of 36
Write "recovery" partition #14 of 36
Write "sbl1b" partition #15 of 36
Skip "rct" partition #16 of 36
Write "factory" partition #17 of 36
Write "cust" partition #18 of 36
Write "system" partition #19 of 36
Write "system" partition #20 of 36
Write "system" partition #21 of 36
Write "system" partition #22 of 36
Write "system" partition #23 of 36
Write "system" partition #24 of 36
Write "system" partition #25 of 36
Write "system" partition #26 of 36
Write "system" partition #27 of 36
Write "system" partition #28 of 36
Write "system" partition #29 of 36
Write "system" partition #30 of 36
Write "system" partition #31 of 36
Write "system" partition #32 of 36
Write "system" partition #33 of 36
Write "system" partition #34 of 36
Write "system" partition #35 of 36
Write "BackupGPT" partition #36 of 36
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_WRITE fail[LAF_ERROR_UNKNOWN[82000002]].
Direct download error.
Flashing error.

Elapsed: 254 secs. --> (v9.71)

Either the file is not matching or any other problem ?

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