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Old 07-07-2006, 00:21   #1 (permalink)
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zulea: N70 and 6280 FBUS flashing fails with PBB2.


I am unable to flash an N70 and 6280 over FBUS using your PBB2 and Phoenix *.138.

N70 logdump:
Reading data from phone
Reading phone information
Reading product type
Reading product code
Reading PSN
Get flash file names
Reading IMEI
Reading HW version
Reading flash settings from file(s)
Detecting FLS device.
FLS-4 detected.
FLS device init status OK
FLS Licenses remaining 1000
Starting flash...
Detecting FLS device.
FLS-4 detected.
FLS device init status OK
Initializing prommer
Detecting FLS device.
FLS-4 detected.
FLS device init status OK
Flashing image
FLS-X Ok...
Current mode of Programming Device: Service
Flashing failed.

Then i get a popup reporting:
HRESULT 0x840100cd (-2080309043)

Phoenix debug log reports:
23:41:08 ThreadID:00000c04 -------BUS_NAME:FBUS PORT_NUM:4
23:41:08 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-Opening to port 4
23:41:10 ThreadID:00000c04 -------Detecting FLS device.
23:41:10 ThreadID:00000c04 -------FLS-4 detected.
23:41:10 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-FLS device attached
23:41:17 ThreadID:00000658 -------BUS_NAME:FBUS PORT_NUM:4
23:41:17 ThreadID:00000658 -ERROR/INFO-Opening to port 4
23:41:17 ThreadID:00000658 -------Detecting FLS device.
23:41:17 ThreadID:00000658 -------FLS-4 detected.
23:41:17 ThreadID:00000658 -ERROR/INFO-FLS device attached
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------BUS_NAME:FBUS PORT_NUM:4
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-Opening to port 4
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------Detecting FLS device.
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------FLS-4 detected.
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-FLS device attached
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------BUS_NAME:FBUS PORT_NUM:4
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-Opening to port 4
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------Detecting FLS device.
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------FLS-4 detected.
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-FLS device attached
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------Program function called (Filename: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\products\RM-84\RM84_50616203.C0, ID=0, Parameters
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -Debug-File name for NOR page size search: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\products\RM-84\RM84_50616203.C0
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -Debug-NOR page size sub block not found.
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------RegCreateKeyEx: 0
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------RegQueryValueEx: 0
23:41:18 ThreadID:00000c04 -------RegQueryValueEx: 0
23:41:20 ThreadID:00000c04 -Debug-FLS1start()
23:41:20 ThreadID:00000c04 -ERROR/INFO-Error!
23:41:28 ThreadID:00000c04 -------Connection opened succesfully

In the case of the 6280, Phoenix just skips the actual flashing, the progress bar jumps to 96%. Then the phone gets a "Factory reset" if specified.

USB flashing works however, yet that won't help me much if I get a dead phone in. I have tried setting the PBB2 to both PKD1-RD and FLS4 mode, in FLS4 mode I get the same error plus something about ""FIASCO file is the wrong version"". JAF is able to service both phones using the same cable and DPs, but I prefer Phoenix due to the extra functionality it provides.

Any ideas?

Last edited by sgn-; 07-07-2006 at 00:34.
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