thread: About Idiot Box
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Old 05-23-2001, 01:13   #4 (permalink)
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So we have to put two oscilators in this scheme?

Originally posted by diGit4l:
<STRONG>Ok I will explain it to you best i can. My friend and I have made couple of ro-emmi boxes.
This is the problem with the xtal. You can connect it directly like on the other schmematics and it will work but the problem is in amplitude of oscilator! If the amplitude is not enough ro-emmi wil not work stable!!!! The small circuit that the author of the idiot box has add to the scheme is to make amplitudes of oscilator very nice and stable! This is all! It's like you add a driver to xtal that amplifies the amplitude of oscilations. Sometimes the bic can suppress oscilation to zero!!! This trick for making better oscilator is old and well known to electronic world.
That's it, i hope you see know why is this part of scheme added. You can find it in almost all the ro-emmi boxes that are selling today on the net!

Best regards to all... </STRONG>
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