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Old 05-20-2008, 14:03   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ********* View Post
Your comments are true of paid code solutions where a server is required and several days waiting, however what about a free code solution? Do you really believe that DM3 will have any market at all when the first free code calc hits the internet? You and I both know that a free code calc is inevitable and it will happen a great deal sooner than you think. Then you have a scenario where the DM3 team are looking back and thinking 'We should have created a box for the masses earlier'. Expect the unexpected. Any business must account for any eventuality no matter how impossible it may seem. DM3 must account for the possibility of free code calcs and strike while there is still a market for their product!
I think you missed the point of my earlier post....DM3 are LOCKING as many handsets if not more than unlocking. A free code solution will not affect their business in LOCKING handsets. However it will be affected if they release their solution to the masses.
Also if their soltion is released BB5 unlocking will become a worthless business as proved in the past when solutions have been released.
From my understanding of how BB5 works then a code calculator will be very difficult to do and one will not be seen in the near future. Anyone offering BB5 unlocking by code at the moment are using Nokia Servers or contacts within Networks to produce the codes and these holes will certainly be closed down like the UB solution was.
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