Thread: BB5 unlocker 2
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Old 10-22-2008, 03:56   #4 (permalink)
Dejan Kaljevic
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To be posible to unlock some Nokia phones you need "TRK" symbian applications.
Since it is property of appropiate company you have by yourself to obtain this
programs. It is free and can be found on site:

Look for s60 3 1 app trk 2 8 9 sisx

This application works with all Nokia symbian phones but...

Before unlocking phone you have first to install TRK and to RUN.

For phone N81 8g there is no microSD card so you have every time to
load TRK application on phone by selecting phone as storage device , removing cable so you can acess that file from file menager and to manualy
install TRK,
or install TRK using Data Suite.
Once installed TRK , run it , go to Options->Settings and swich to USB connection.
Close TRK, be sure that phone is connected over USB cable and run again
TRK application and phone will be READY for unlocking.

But for other phones that can use microSD card there is some trick.

Get two microSD cards, one for FP1 phones and second for FP2 phones.
Use FP1 phone (example: 6120c) and install TRK older version than 2.8.9
(can be found on NET using search) on that microSD card. Run it and cange
connection setings to USB. and that's it!!!
Second microSD card use with FP2 phone (example 5320 xpressmusic)
and install TRK version 2.8.9 on that microSD card. Run it and cange
connectionsetings to USB.

Now when you want to unlock FP1 or FP2 phone just insert appropriate microSD card in that phone, power up phone, wait sec-two to automaticly install TRK. In meantime connect USB cable to phone and wait to display
mode selection.
Select to "Data Suit mode". After that, from phone menu run TRK. Since
TRK settings are stored in microSD card it will automaticly connect to PC
and be ready for unlocking.

FP1 phones are:

5700 xmusic - TESTED
6110 navigator - TESTED
6120c - TESTED
6124c - TESTED
e51 - TESTED
e66 - TESTED
e71 - TESTED
n76 - TESTED
n81 8g - TESTED

FP2 phones are:

5320 xmusic - TESTED
6210 navigator - TESTED
6220c - TESTED
6650 - TESTED
n78 - TESTED
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