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Old 10-31-2003, 12:12   #4 (permalink)
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Originally posted by kennyli
I hope the following will be useful:

DCT4 Cheap flasher:

1. We must have Hex Worskhop (UltraEdit32 for example)
2. Open the MCU with Hex Workshop
3. In the right windows you find word " .......DCT4....DCT4 Algorithm...."
4. Move 5 word to the left and then 4 word to the left
ex : abcDefgHijklDCT4....DCT4 Algxxxxx"
you will find the first 5 to left is "H" and the next 4 to left is "D"
5. Now look at the hex value at the "H" and "D"
6. You will find that the value not "00"
7. just Change to "00" at the D dan H
8. Save AS the MCU and replace the original.
9. You will have special flash file now, flash it to your phone and you won't lose anything.
Yes, "Justin Case" is right, this is for keep the java and others stuff usually on 66/61/7210. I´m mean patch the bluetooth so it won´t lose it. And that is a lot more complicated than this...

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