Thread: k5000 tv
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Old 10-25-2010, 12:20   #5 (permalink)
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COM54 [VCP0] selected
الوحدة v3.24
جهاز: Autodetect 6205-6239 NOR
التاكد من البيانات, انتظر...
تمكين وضع الكشف التلقائي عن السوفت وير
Action: read/check information
====> بدء التشغيل ...
قم بتشغيل الهاتف مع الاستمرار بالضغط على زر التشغيل !
19200 fixed
جاري الاتصال, انتظر...
جاري البدء [6225:8A05:8A00]...
CPU: MT6225
بدء تشغيل سريع On
chip: 0001:5303:0005
status: FF
حجم رزمة بدء التشغيل: 0400
توقف عن الضغط على زر التشغيل الان !
بدء التشغيل Done
====> يبدأ ...
detecting chip #00 in region #00...
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
سوفت وير ST Intel/Sharp ext [def 007Fx020000 0004x008000] 16Mb
otp offset: 00FE0000
detecting chip #01 in region #00...
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
سوفت وير ST Intel/Sharp ext [def 007Fx020000 0004x008000] 16Mb
otp offset: 00FE0000
detecting chip #02 in region #00...
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
سوفت وير ST Intel/Sharp ext [def 007Fx020000 0004x008000] 16Mb
otp offset: 00FE0000
detecting chip #03 in region #00...
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
سوفت وير ST Intel/Sharp ext [def 007Fx020000 0004x008000] 16Mb
otp offset: 00FE0000
تم الكشف عن رقم رقاقات السوفت وير/المناطق: 04/01
يبدأ Done
====> حدد السرعة ...
حدد السرعة Done
====> بدأ كود بدأ التشغيل ...
بدأ كود بدأ التشغيل Done
====> التاكد من سلامة الفيرم وير ...
device parameters detection in progress...
detecting chip #00 in region #00...
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
سوفت وير ST Intel/Sharp ext [def 007Fx020000 0004x008000] 16Mb
otp offset: 00FE0000
detecting chip #01 in region #00...
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
سوفت وير ST Intel/Sharp ext [def 007Fx020000 0004x008000] 16Mb
otp offset: 00FE0000
it's time to stop: CCF31D36C2F97E0897CCEB82A8FEC4B60000000000000000
تم الكشف عن رقم رقاقات السوفت وير/المناطق: 01/01
الحجم الكلي لمنطقة الفلاش: 01000000
usb bootloader detect...
usb bootloader detect (phase #2)...
usb bootloader (chip) is absent
searching rom info...
search rom info finished
searching rom info...
search rom info finished
تحذير: rom info information not found, possible reasons:
- old firmware type w/o rom info information
- empty (completely or partially erased) flash chip
- damaged firmware
- damaged hardware (bad soldered or damaged flash chip)
> if phone works fine just ignore this warning <
detecting ffs/eeprom area in 1 chip(s)...
standard ffs/eeprom offset assigned: 00E00000
سوفت وير 2088C4FFFFFFFF:2088C400000000
فحص المنطقة [00000000]: 00080000-00FFFFFF...
ffs/eeprom found near: 00F00000
Detected ffs/eeprom address is non-standard: 00F00000

Posible reasons:
1. ffs/eeprom is Ok but address is non-standard
2. ffs/eeprom is damaged and can't be detected
3. ffs/eeprom is Ok but detected incorrectly (f.e. unknown ffs/eeprom structure)

If you are not sure that detected address is correct:
1. press "NO" (and select standard address or terminate current operation)
2. make full flash backup for emergency case
3. repeat required operation

Are you sure that detected ffs/eeprom address is correct ?
autodetected ffs/eeprom address confirmed by user: 00F00000
detecting ffs/eeprom size...
ffs/eeprom size: 00100000
ffs/eeprom chip: 00
ffs/eeprom area: 00000000:00F00000-00FFFFFF
firmware area: 00000000-00EFFFFF
detecting ffs/eeprom structure pass 1...
.................................................. ..........
ffs/eeprom: can't detect record name location
خطأ: ffs/eeprom detection failed: element #1
sec info (detailed) detection...
searching sec info#1...
search sec info#1 finished
detecting firmware version...
.................................................. ..............
.................................................. ..............
تحذير: can not detect firmware version
if software freez: make "ايجاد اصدار الفيرم وير (عملية بطيئة)" unchecked and repeat operation.
detecting firmware build...
firmware date/time: 2009-05-27 11-41
hw2: Memory-ST_T3_15+1,128+32
detecting product-id...
.................................................. ..............
detecting languages...
language parameters detected
detected languages: En Tr
انتهى, الوقت المستخدم: 2 min 2 sec
ازل/ادخل البطارية الان !
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