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Old 05-10-2011, 08:18   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by alfazar View Post
i dont know what is the conection between u an dc unlocker but remember before ask invest big money check out that will make money what they invest.
if he ask this for unlock iphone 4 i will invest this because we can earn what we put. but its just hsdpa 3.6 dongle cant u understand what am talking?
aksing inwest 600 givig profit 1 euro per unlock. then we sould unlock 600 pcs to find a cost after that we sould try find profit when we r finding our cost then every one find the solution maybe dc unlocker will give that update for free.then what hapen to our investment? if we put that money in other business it will give income if we put that money in bank it will come intrust.
if they cant earn wich they invest will u give back that money????????
What I'm trying to say is that many boxes charge large price in the beginning then reduce prices as become more available and I ask how lon you been in business because if long time you would remember all the boxes that have come and gone some at very high prices (BB5 solutions for example) One brings out only solution via TP so we buy then two months later another team brings out noTP solution and we lose investment in first box. All these teams have done this ie Universal Box, Advance, UID, and many more keep bring out newer boxes while old one becomes defunk ie UST, MSS. Its an ongoing thing and like it or not it will always happen but that is business.

BTW I have no connection with DC unlocker team I am just an occassional user of this dongle.
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