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Old 05-23-2011, 15:39   #1 (permalink)
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what is iphuc??? discusss here

what is iphuc???
An OpenSource command line interface to the iPhone.....
iPHoneUtilityClient (iPHUC) is the second generation of iPhoneInterface which allows convenient command line access to the iphone from a desktop computer.
Now with a maintainable source!
using this commands rename and delete .plist files.......make and remove Directies..and cydia,s .deb file installing in yor iphone...
i m not a programer ...i just post this thread for that purpose to a help community about iphuc.

..."mkdir" using like this..
if your iphuc in C:\ drive ..then

Full command..
cd c:\
c:\cd c:\iphuc -a -s mkdir /var/root/Media/Cydia/
For this the dir creat in /var/root/Media...."cydia"

other one...

cd c:\
c:\cd c:\iphuc -a -s mkdir /var/root/Media/Cydia
For this Remove dir Cydia....
using this commands ..delet .plist file also..

cd c:\
c:\cd c:\iphuc -a -s putfile ultrasn0w.deb /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall/ultrasn0w.deb
your .deb present in your exit drive or other folder....then put your iphone.....
Here is some sourc code.....
COMMAND normal_shell[] = Normal mode.........
{ "help", sh_help, ">> help <command> - Display help information on <command>. No args lists commands." },
{ "cd", n_cd, ">> cd <path> - Change directory to <path>" },
{ "lcd", n_lcd, ">> lcd <path> - Change local directory to <path>" },
{ "ls", n_ls, ">> ls [path] - List directory at current working path or [path]" },
{ "mkdir", n_mkdir, ">> mkdir <path> - Create directory at <path>" },
{ "rmdir", n_rmdir, ">> rmdir <path> - Remove directory at <path>" },
{ "rename", n_rename, ">> rename <oldpath> <newpath> - Rename a file/directory" },
{ "activate", n_activate, ">> activate <path> - Activate iPhone with .plist file at <path>" },
{ "deactivate", n_deactivate, ">> deactivate - Deactivate iPhone" },
{ "readvalue", n_readvalue, ">> readvalue <value> - Read <value>. No args lists knownn values." },
{ "enterrecovery", n_enterrecovery, ">> enterrecovery - Enter recovery mode. **WARNING: You'll need to restore the iPhone." },
{ "reconnect", n_reconnect, ">> reconnect - Exit current shell and reconnect to device." },
{ "startservice", n_startservice, ">> startservice <service> - Starts service <service> on the iPhone. No args lists services." },
{ "deviceinfo", n_deviceinfo, ">> deviceinfo - Display device info." },
{ "getfilesize", n_getfilesize, ">> getfilesize <path> - Display size of file at <path>" },
{ "getfile", n_getfile, ">> getfile <path> [localpath] - Get file on iPhone at <path> and write it to [localpath]" },
{ "putfile", n_putfile, ">> putfile <localpath> [path] - Put file at <localpath> on iPhone at [path]" },
{ "fileinfo", n_fileinfo, ">> fileinfo <path> - Display info for file at <path>" },
{ "exit", n_exit, ">> exit - Escape to shell. The other shell, the one whos child i am." },
{ "lpwd", n_lpwd, ">> lpwd - Display the current local working directory." },
{ "pwd", n_pwd, ">> pwd - Display the current remote working directory." },
{ "setafc", n_setafc, ">> setafc <name string> - Set the name of the afc service to use."},
{ "run", sh_run, ">> run <path> - runs a script at <path>."},
{ (char *)NULL, (shell_funct *)NULL, (char *)NULL }
COMMAND restore_shell[] =
{ "mount", restore_mount, ">> mount <device> <path> - Mount device at path."},
{ "partition", restore_partition, ">> partition <device> - Partition device."},
{ "erase", restore_erase, ">> erase <device> - Erase device."},
{ "ditto", restore_ditto, ">> ditto <path1> <path2> - Copy file at path1 to path2."},
{ "umount", restore_umount, ">> umount <path> - Unmount device from path."},
{ "FileSystemCheck", restore_filesystemcheck,">> filesystemcheck <device> - Check filesytem on device" },
{ "mkdir", restore_mkdir, ">> mkdir <path> - Make directory 'path'."},
{ "force", restore_force, ">> force <command> - send cmd to phone."},
{ "help", sh_help, ">> help <command> - Display help information on <command>. No args lists commands." },
{ "exit", restore_exit, ">> exit - Disconnect and wait for device normal reconnect." },
{ "run", sh_run, ">> run <path> - runs a script at <path>."},
{ (char *)NULL, (shell_funct *)NULL, (char *)NULL }
COMMAND recovery_shell[] = Recovery mode
{ "restore", recovery_restore, ">> restore - enter restore mode. "},
{ "grestore", recovery_grestore, ">> grestore <restorebundle> - enter restore mode interactively."},
{ "filecopytophone", recovery_filecopytophone, ">> filecopytophone"},
{ "serial", recovery_serial, ">> serial"},
{ "cmd", recovery_cmd, ">> cmd <command> - send command to phone."},
{ "exit", recovery_exit, ">> exit - Escape to shell. The other shell, the one whos child i am." },
{ "disconnect", recovery_disconnect, ">> disconnect - disconnect from shell and await reconnect." },
{ "help", sh_help, ">> help <command> - Display help information on <command>. No args lists commands." },
{ "run", sh_run, ">> run <path> - runs a script at <path>."},
{ (char *)NULL, (shell_funct *)NULL, (char *)NULL }
COMMAND dfu_shell[] = DFU mode
{ "restore", dfu_restore, ">> restore - enter restore mode. "},
{ "exit", dfu_exit, ">> exit - Escape to shell. The other shell, the one whos child i am." },
{ "disconnect", dfu_disconnect, ">> disconnect - disconnect from shell and await reconnect." },
{ "help", sh_help, ">> help <command> - Display help information on <command>. No args lists commands." },
{ "run", sh_run, ">> run <path> - runs a script at <path>."},
{ (char *)NULL, (shell_funct *)NULL, (char *)NULL }\

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