Core version : 1.30 Rev : 1.1
Selected FlashSettings : FullFlash
Check FlashFiles, Please, wait...
Files Set for Flashing :
MCU : rm243_06.01_prd_core.fpsx
PPM : rm243_06.01_prd_vB05_01_russian.fpsx
CNT : rm243_06.01_prd_UDA_Nokia_Noir.fpsx
Flashing phone now...
Check files done...
-> Check SW version...
FlashFile version : 06.01
Phone version : 03.83
-> Check SW version : Upgrade
Backup CRT308 data...
CRT308 Backup Created
SLx Simlock Data read ... ok
SL2 Simlock read ... ok
SimLock Data saved...
SimLock Key saved...
RPL saved : c:\InfinityBox\BEST\Backup\Cert\359850010025919_SI M.rpl
Check communication with phone....
ADL req restart
Communication verify done... Preparing...
Gathering phone info...
Check communication with phone...
Connection opened successfully
Waiting for communication response...
[BB5 FLASH]: Bootrom Ok!
ASIC ID: 000000010000022600010006400C192101021103
CPU ID : RAPIDOv11 , Features : Dead-Test, USBRPL, WR/ER-USB
EM0 ID: 00000295
EM1 ID: 00000B22
PUBLIC ID: 0D600009A8590052CF883AED92756B34591FBFEE
ROM ID: A8C1D6713E691FF8
PatchRAWLoader: Patched OK
Processing RAWLOADER...
Processing UPDAPP ...
Processing PASUBTOC ...
Boot Done!
TIME : Boot time : 00:00:04
Reopening the connection...
Waiting for response: 30
Waiting for response: 29
ADL Server confirm flashmode!
Get req info : empty
ADL : ASIC CMT select Ok
===Flashing [MCU]===
Erase : Processing rm243_06.01_prd_core.fpsx
Found 3 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x00040000 - 0x00082FFF, NAND, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00083400 - 0x0087FFFF, NAND, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00B80000 - 0x04DFFFFF, NAND, CMT
Result: 0000
Partition erase not allowed by loader
Partitioning : Ok [5]
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:01
Write : Processing rm243_06.01_prd_core.fpsx
Total 385 [385/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [ADA]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [KEYS]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PRIMAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [RAP3NAND]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PASUBTOC]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SOS*UPDAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SOS*DSP0]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SOS*ISASW]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SOS*CORE]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SOS+ROFS]
TIME : Write time : 00:00:57
MCU Write done
===Flashing [PPM]===
Erase : Processing rm243_06.01_prd_vB05_01_russian.fpsx
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x03300000 - 0x04DFFFFF, NAND, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:00
Write : Processing rm243_06.01_prd_vB05_01_russian.fpsx
Total 178 [178/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SOS+ROFX]
TIME : Write time : 00:00:29
PPM Write done
===Flashing [CNT]===
Erase : Processing rm243_06.01_prd_UDA_Nokia_Noir.fpsx
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x04E00000 - 0x07B3FFFF, NAND, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:00
Write : Processing rm243_06.01_prd_UDA_Nokia_Noir.fpsx
Total 1 [1/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
TIME : Write time : 00:00:00
CNT Write done
ADL : End flashing
ADL : Finalize...
Flashing done!
Total flash time : 00:01:28
Reboot phone now...
Reading Phone Info....
Connected phone - Nokia 6120
Software Info: V 06.01 02-09-08 RM-243 (c) Nokia
IMEI: 359850010025919
Ape Version: 06.01
Product code: 0552630
SimLock status : Can't get status
Security status : Security is Ok
Read Info Done!
Settings After Flash Defaults...
Product code update...
Set phone to Normal mode...
AfterFlash operations done ;D
Elapsed: 00:01:47
Connect phone on selected interface...
Phone found!
Series 60 Device detected!
read info... - Ok