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Old 05-07-2012, 09:07   #5 (permalink)
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Reset USB device and search it...
Find USB device:GCREADER USB Device, (VID_1B20&PID_0300)
Connecting to phone...
Connection success!
Boot downloading...
Boot downloading overtime(3),please re-select other boot file, or USB reset.
If the phone ready to read and write again, please re-plug the USB or reset the pinouts.
IMEI writing...
IMEI Write failed.
IMEI writing...
IMEI Write failed.
IMEI writing...
IMEI Write failed.
Reset USB device and search it...
Find USB device:GCREADER USB Device, (VID_1B20&PID_0300)
IMEI writing...
>>IMEI Write failed.
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