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Old 03-15-2013, 17:25   #1 (permalink)
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iphone 3gs not charging / not recognized / no sound

Iphone 3GS
Iam researching that problem now for hours. a friend of mine let his iphone fall, while it was charging. he put it back in and it was loading very very slowly. He gave it to me, and i turned it on. It was empty and i tried to charge it up. it is charging up until 5% then turning on with apple logo and i can unlock the phone and use it, but the battery stopped charging.. slowly getting empty again and turns off.

opened the phone, changed the dock connector with a new on. i took some glue to stick the flex cable on the left side cause it always flipped out (bad idea.. now i cant rly remove it). on the right side is a little pin, connecting the dock connector to the logicboard and that is not holding too, cause it is a little bit damaged, so i always fix it with tape or hold it down with my fingers on to the board but that doesnt seem to be the problem.

another problem is.. the homebutton is not working (minor problem)

and my computer is not recognizing the iphone when it is turned on.

-update: changed battery and my iphone usb charging strip is working

iphone can be used but still not charging / not recognized by pc / no sound!
but when i put in my charging strip into the phone, it starts to boot


i have seen some solutions including different jumpers
didnt find an explanation or howto for "jumpers"
is it that u simply connect two contacts with solder?
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