Been speding quite few hours in the last period reading the comments about the watch done by the people on different forums.
I must admit I found funny the battle going on by the supporters of the fruit brand and the android supporters, expecially the part about "when Apple will make a watch samsung will be able to make something more usefull the a simple stylish gadget".
The truth is only one: Samsung sell its watch while Aplle doesn't: why?
Answer is simple: Apple was going to introduce a similar product and after they saw the reaction they decided to don't introduce it.
To be honest the hardware is there, what is missing is the software to make of this watch something really needed and the worst part been the actual limit of being working only with the Galaxy S4 and the last tablet introduced (Yes, it works with the galaxy s4 and the 4.2.2)
When the Gear will be completed by a nice set of decent applications and with the freedom to use it with any android product then it will be sold well.
About the price? 299$ is not too much for a watch, even a junk Rotary would cost more.
The real weakness of the watch is the battery life instead and the need for the connected charger: once this step will be solved thanks to new technologies I'm pretty sure the smartwatch will be as much used as any other gadget.
Alex |