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Old 11-30-2017, 08:36   #1 (permalink)
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Samsung Gear Sport

OS: Tizen
Display: Super AMOLED (360 x 360)
Size: 43mm
Battery: 300mAh, 3-4 days
Water resistance: 5ATM
Heart rate: Yes
Connectivity: GPS, NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Works with: iOS, Android

Okay, so you might be wondering why we are picking out the music support on a smartwatch that's undeniably all about its sports tracking credentials, but stick with us.

The Gear Sport is the successor to the Gear S2 as opposed to the Gear S3, which does also offer similar music playback support, but we think the smaller frame makes it a more suitable workout partner than the bigger S3.

When we talk about music support we are of course talking about Spotify. So along with being able to transfer music via Samsung's Gear Manager as you can on other Gear watches, you can also transfer over Spotify playlists with 4GB of storage to play with. So that's about 500 songs.
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